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Tag: peter franco

LETTER: New Bayonne parking policies raise more questions than answers

In a letter to the editor, Bayonne resident Peter Franco says that a new parking ordinance introduced by the city council earlier this month...

Bayonne resident says persistence, special cake led to Davis unblocking people...

Bayonne resident Peter Franco went to a local bakery in order to personally present Mayor Jimmy Davis with a cake asking him to "unblock"...

LETTER: The Bayonne municipal elections ‘will be about accountability’

In a letter to the editor, Bayonne resident Peter Franco says that tomorrow's municipal elections "will be about accountability."  Dear Editor, Dear Readers, I am writing to...

LETTER: It’s ’embarrassing and shameful’ how negative the O’Donnell team has...

In a letter to the editor, Bayonne resident John Milan Sebik says it's "embarrassing and shameful" how negative Jason O'Donnell's camp has been, particularly...

Bayonne council approves 5-year abatement for new 6-story building

Despite some opposition, the Bayonne City Council approved a five-year tax abatement for a residential project, that will be built on a plot of...

At chaotic meeting, Bayonne council approves new worker residency rules

The public and elected officials sparred before the Bayonne City Council unanimously approved (5-0) an ordinance requiring all city employees hired after October 1...

LETTER: Bayonne officials, residents need to understand the specifics of condemnation

In a letter to the editor, Bayonne resident Peter Franco says there are a number of circumstances surrounding condemnation that need to be better...

For 2nd time in a row, Bayonne council stalls Clayton Block...

After residents expressed a number of concerns, the Bayonne council yet again stalled the Clayton Block redevelopment plan during last night's meeting. By Katherine Guest...

Bayonne BOE urges city council to reconsider 5% PILOT allocation

In the midst of dealing with a $2.2 million deficit that has recently caused 20 layoffs, the Bayonne Board of Education unanimously passed a...

Despite concerns, Bayonne approves 30-year PILOT for Resnick’s Redevelopment

The Bayonne City Council approved a 30-year payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for the Resnick's Redevelopment Plan, by a 4-1 vote, despite some...

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