Tag: jersey city police officers benevolent association
Jersey City POBA supports Team Fulop in Wards A, B, C,...
The Jersey City Police Officer Benevolent Association is supporting Mayor Steven Fulop in five of the six ward council races, sitting out only Ward...
Jersey City POBA backs Fulop’s council-at-large ticket of DeGise, Rivera, and...
The Jersey City Police Officers Benevolent Association are backing Mayor Steven Fulop's council-at-large slate of Amy DeGise, Danny Rivera, and Joyce Watterman, citing their...
Jersey City POBA endorses Gov. Murphy and Mayor Fulop for re-election
The Jersey City Police Officers Benevolent Association (POBA) has endorsed Gov. Phil Murphy and Mayor Steven Fulop for re-election "for restoring trust between law...
Hudson Catholic scrutinized after history students asked to compare lynchings to...
Hudson Catholic High School in Jersey City is being scrutinized after history class students were asked to "find a famous case of lynching and...
Jersey City POBA president-elects talks making union changes, addressing community concerns
Jersey City Police Officers Benevolent Association President-Elect Joe Cossolini talked about making union changes, addressing community concerns, and more during a lengthy phone interview...
Jersey City POBA elects new president and his leadership team to...
The Jersey City Police Officers Benevolent Association elected a new president, along with a whole new leadership team, to three-year terms earlier this month....
Jersey City police unions suing city, council over resolution supporting creation...
Jersey City's two police unions are suing the city and the council over a resolution supporting the creation of a civilian complaint review board...
Jersey City residents voice strong demand to defund the police during...
At last night's Jersey City Council meeting, the majority of nearly 60 public speakers demanded that the city council defund the local police department...
Jersey City Council introduces new plan for off-duty police details at...
The Jersey City Council introduced a new plan to update their traffic control manual so that off-duty local police officers can regain the opportunity...
Jersey City council removes ordinance that would have altered off-duty police...
The Jersey City Council removed an ordinance, moved by the administration, that would have updated the city's traffic control manual, decried by the local...