Tag: cheryl fallick
32BJ SEIU urges Hoboken residents to vote down rent control referendum
Labor union 32BJ SEIU is urging Hoboken resident to vote down the rent control referendum that will be on the November 5th ballot, asserting...
Hoboken council rejects measure denouncing alleged rent control referendum tactics
The Hoboken City Council rejected a measure denouncing the way signatures have been collected for an anticipated rent control referendum at last night's meeting.
Presinzano accused of violating Hoboken’s rent hike rules, candidate says ‘more...
Hoboken 1st Ward council candidate Paul Presinzano is accused of violating the city's rent increase rules last year, to which his says this is...
LETTER: Rafi Cordova Is committed to housing justice for the people...
In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Cheryl Fallick lays out why she feels 1st Ward council candidate Rafi Cordova is committed to...
LETTER: Hoboken 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino deserves to be re-elected
In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Cheryl Fallick explains why 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino deserves to be re-elected.
Dear Editor,
The residents...
Bhalla vetoes Hoboken rent control amendments, MSTA vows to do referendum
Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla vetoed Hoboken rent control amendments approved in a 5-4 vote by the city council last week, prompting the Mile Square...
Hoboken City Council passes controversial rent control reform ordinance after fiery...
The Hoboken City Council passed a controversial rent control reform ordinance on second reading after a fiery debate at last night's meeting.
By Daniel...
Two Hoboken groups often at odds both come out against new...
Two Hoboken groups that are often at odds have both come out against a new rent control proposal that will go before the city...
LETTER: If you feel ‘our residents are worth defending,’ vote for...
In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Cheryl Fallick explains why the "Kids First" board of education team deserve your vote if you...
LETTER: As Dems, we were disappointed by Hoboken committee’s ‘attempt to...
In a letter to the editor, three Democrats from Hoboken express why they were disappointed by the local Democratic committee's recent "attempt to gaslight...