No injuries were reported after a three-alarm apartment fire flared up in Hoboken early this morning, officials said.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View
The Hoboken Fire Department responded to a call at 62 Monroe St. around 5:30 a.m. and it was ruled under control by 6:50 a.m., according to the city’s official Twitter page.
Also on Twitter, Mayor Dawn Zimmer thanked first responders, including firefighters, police and the office of emergency management, for a timely response that saw everyone – including pets – evacuated safely.
Furthermore, Hoboken police have noted that Monroe Street between 1st Street and Observer Highway, as well as Observer Highway between Madison and Monroe Streets, were closed as a result of the fire – but have just been reopened minutes ago.
HFD is responding to a fire at 62 Monroe St. Monroe St is closed Observer-Newark. Observer is closed Madison to Monroe.
— City of Hoboken (@CityofHoboken) April 14, 2017
Thanks to HFD, OEM and Police for fast response to fire early this am on Monroe St. Thankfully everyone, including pets, got out safely.
— Dawn Zimmer (@dawnzimmernj) April 14, 2017
Roads closed as a result of this morning’s fire at 64 Monroe Street have been re-opened. Wishing everyone a safe weekend.
— Hoboken Police (@HobokenPD) April 14, 2017
Notice the different addresses. This is what happens when you are more interested in getting your name out there than you are with getting the facts.
The City also sent an email that included the incorrect address. The Mayor seems to suffer from the same sickness as does Donald Trump. She should try getting her facts straight before she engages her tax payer funded PR machine.