Tag: jersey city prosecutor’s office
Jersey City Heights bar has liquor license revoked after several violent...
A Jersey City Heights bar had their liquor license revoked last month after several violent incidents, according to the resolution approved by the Alcoholic...
Hudnut: Jersey City should follow NYC by offering animal care and...
Jersey City Chief Municipal Prosecutor Jake Hudnut, also a Ward E council candidate running on Mayor Steven Fulop's ticket, is calling on the city...
‘The Factory’ employee posts Instagram story hurling homophobic slurs at Jersey...
An employee at “The Factory” posted an Instagram story yesterday hurling homophobic slurs at Jersey City’s chief municipal prosecutor, days after the establishment was...
Jersey City cautions 3 campaigns about posting on public property ahead...
Jersey City has cautioned three campaigns about posting on public property, noting that it could come with a $2,000 daily fine, ahead of the...
2 Jersey City recycling companies hit with over 65 charges related...
Two Jersey City recycling companies were hit with over 65 charges related to public safety hazards after a several months long investigation led by...
Jersey City Prosecutor Hudnut names Hummell as first assistant for his...
Jersey City Municipal Prosecutor Jake Hudnut has named Steven Hummell, a 15-year veteran of the office, as his first assistant at a salary of...
AG: Prosecutors should use discretion in marijuana cases, decriminalization still illegal
New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal said in a memo today that while municipal prosecutor's should use discretion in marijuana cases, decriminalization is still...
N.J. Attorney General: Jersey City doesn’t have the authority to decriminalize...
One day after Jersey City enacted a new policy to decriminalize marijuana, New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal says that they did not have...
Effective tomorrow, Jersey City enacting new policy to decriminalize marijuana
Effective tomorrow, Jersey City is enacting a new policy that will direct all local prosecutors to cease prosecuting all marijuana possession cases in front...