LETTER: Here are 3 things the HCDO needs to do to better represent Hudson Dems


In a letter to the editor, Democratic Committeeman Eric Allen Conner outlines three things the Hudson County Democratic Organization can do be better represent actual local blue voters.

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Dear Editor,

Craig Guy, chairman of the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO), wrote a letter to the editor of The Hudson County View where he stated, “[P]arty leaders need to do a better job listening to the voices of our community.”

I agree. To do that, however, they need to start to listen to the committee members of the party who are here day in and day out advocating on behalf of our neighbors.

I have three immediate suggestions that Chairman Guy can implement at HCDO to make it a better, more representative organization for Democrats in Hudson County.

First, Chairman Guy must stop awarding the official party endorsement at his sole discretion.

Of late, HCDO chairs have unilaterally endorsed Josh Gottheimer, Rob Menendez, Tammy Murphy, and Jim McGreevey for important offices without the advice or consent of the HCDO committee members.

Many committee members have reservations about these candidates. HCDO’s top-down approach dampens enthusiasm and increases resentment among the rank-and-file.

Second, if committee members are given a say in whom the party gives its official endorsement to, then that should be done by secret ballot.

The voice votes held during command performance meetings are preordained affairs meant to give a thin veneer of legitimacy to deals made in backrooms prior to HCDO meetings.

If secret ballots are implemented, then committee members can think deeply about the candidates they want to award the official party endorsement to.

Finally, if Chairman Guy is serious in that he believes “we are stronger together and we need to truly listen to the many different voices in throughout our organization,” then he needs to make space for all Democratic candidates who are running in a primary or general election to come, speak, and make their case for winning the party’s official endorsement.

Our institutions are made stronger by healthy debate and a focus on the issues. We must inspire ourselves before we rally to turnout and inspire others.

This model of county organization is not without precedent. Our sister organizations in Bergen, Burlington, Hunterdon, Monmouth, Ocean, and Sussex all have secret ballots when deciding official party endorsements.

Many of these organizations generate considerably more enthusiasm and drive to get out the vote in competitive races.

Democrats in Hudson County have grown complacent. By making our own party organization more democratic, we can give ourselves the boost of energy needed to carry the day in future elections.

I pray that Craig Guy is serious in his offer to listen to community voices and consider serious reforms.

Eric Allen Conner
Hudson County Democratic Organization
Democratic County Committee
District 23, Ward F, Jersey City

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