The Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority says they will replace all the city’s lead service lines in the next 10 years through their Lead Free JC Program.
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
There are an estimated 16,000 lead service lines (pipes that connect the underground water main to the home) in Jersey City.
The JCMUA’s goal is to replace all lead service lines by June 2031 at no direct cost to homeowners or renters by working to secure state and federal grant funding for the program.
“Jersey City’s water is tested regularly and continues to be in compliance with all state and federal lead levels,” JCMUA Executive Director Jose Cunha.
“However many older homes were built with lead pipes connecting them to the city’s water systems, which creates the potential for future lead exposure. Therefore the JCMUA is launching this new program to proactively remove all lead service lines, before there is any threat to residents’ health.”
Up to 10 million households in the United States have lead pipes and service lines, and there are an estimated 350,000 lead service lines in New Jersey, among the highest of any state.
The JCMUA has developed a service line inventory based on recent inspections, which residents can use to determine whether their property has a known lead service line by visiting
“We have applied for numerous state and federal infrastructure funds, including a mix of low interest loans and grants in order to complete this project while minimizing costs,” added JCMUA Chair Maureen Hulings.
“The ultimate goal is to complete this project by June 2031 at no direct cost to homeowners or renters, while also providing them with the invaluable peace of mind that their drinking water will remain safe well into the future.”
Beginning this month, all residents with known lead service lines will receive a certified letter notifying them that they currently have a lead service line that will be replaced.
All properties with lead service lines will automatically be scheduled over the next ten years for replacement. JCMUA expects to replace over 1,000 lead service lines per year.
The locations of all service lines will be provided and accessible via street addresses, along with other pertinent information, at