Hoboken residents are encouraged to attend the Maritime Park community meeting Tuesday evening, 6:30 p.m., at their local high school.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View
“This is an important moment in Hoboken’s history, in which residents will help us build out a beautiful waterfront park that will benefit generations of Hoboken residents to come,” Mayor Ravi Bhalla said in a statement.
“We’ve fought long and hard to ensure this site is preserved for resident access, and I’m excited to hear what amenities our community envisions for this world class park. I encourage everyone to come out and make your voices heard at our first public meeting.”
Bhalla first mentioned the community engagement session, the first for this waterfront park project, at his March 20th State of the City Address.
During the meeting at the high school, located at 800 Clinton St., the project team including Dattner Architects, SCAPE, Kimley Horn, Indigo River, and city officials will present the project.
They will also solicit community input for potential features and amenities of the future park, which will be utilized to create multiple design options for the waterfront open space.
Additional digital surveys, stakeholder outreach, and public meetings will be held to collect community feedback throughout the concept design process, which will then be narrowed to one final concept design.
For more information on the project, click here.
Bhalla announced in December that the city had officially acquired the 5-acre Union Dry Dock property to connect the final piece of an entirely publicly accessible waterfront and Hudson River Waterfront Walkway.
In February, the city council approved a three-year lease (with a subsequent two-year option) with NY Waterway, as well as awarding a $1,174,146.90 contract to Manhattan-based Dattner Architects.
Last week, counsel for the Fund for a Better Waterfront wrote in a letter to Bhalla and the council that the Union Dry Dock lease was invalid since any land acquisition made possible via Open Public Trust Fund dollars required a referendum, though the city disagreed.
Hoboken Municipal Code S55-3:
“No property acquired with funds from the Trust Fund shall be leased or sold, unless action has been authorized by the Mayor and City Council and by referendum in the manner prescribed by law.”
PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT LAW BEHIND THE CURTAIN! The great and powerful Ravinder has spoken! The lease is valid, it’s totally going to happen, and you won’t be wasting your time hearing absolute feces drivel from the Fullop-arse-smelling Ravinder lips!
Codes we don’t need no stink’n codes. Dis is Hoboken baby.