Hoboken mayor signs executive order creating LGBTQIA+ Pride Advisory Committee


Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla has signed an executive order creating a 12-member LGBTQIA+ Pride Advisory Committee, where each member will serve a one-year term.

Photo courtesy of the City of Hoboken.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“In our city, diversity is our strength, and inclusivity is our priority. That is why today I signed an executive order creating the City’s Pride Advisory Committee which will play a pivotal role in shaping policies that embrace the LGBTQIA+ community, ensuring that Hoboken is a city where everyone is not only accepted but celebrated,” Mayor Ravi Bhalla, also a Democratic 8th District congressional candidate, said in a statement.

“Together, we will raise awareness, promote understanding, and ensure that Hoboken continues to be a fair and welcoming community where love knows no boundaries.”

The committee will be comprised of a city council representative appointed by the mayor, two council appointees, a municipal employee, two Hoboken business owners, two mayoral appointees, a Public Safety Department appointee, an educational appointee, an appointee from the local faith community, and the city’s LGBTQIA+ liaison.

“As Hoboken continues to evolve, it has become a vibrant hub for a diverse range of individuals, including a growing LGBTQIA+ community. As our city expands, so does our commitment to enhancing representation in our Pride events and programs,” added LGBTQIA+ Liaison Laura Knittel.

“Our ongoing dedication to fostering inclusivity, respect, equality, and intersectionality remains unwavering. A heartfelt thank you extends to all our friends and allies whose support makes these efforts possible. I look forward to working with more of you in the days ahead.”

Hoboken community members interested in being considered for the committee can apply by clicking here.

The city recently received a perfect 100 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) Municipal Equality Index’s (MEI), annual examination of more than 500 municipalities across the United States relating to LGBTQ+ laws and policies.

2023 marked the sixth year in a row in which the city received the prestigious score, one of five New Jersey municipalities to do so.

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  1. Let’s be clear, here. This guy has been Mayor of Hoboken for six years and he is just now creating these positions!!! Are we connecting the dots? These are all gimmicks to convince the rest of the 8th District of his progressive bona fides. He inherited a Rebuild by Design program from his predecessor and has done very little with it – all the while playing along with Mayor Fulop at the expense of Hoboken residents. We are being played – again.

  2. If “diversity is our strength” why hasn’t Ravi Bhalla followed up with his illegal, anti-American Sanctuary City announcement and put up tents and shelters for all the illegals being waved across the border by Joe Biden and his Obama handlers?

    It’s literally been non-stop destruction of America from within since Biden took up a pen with the unraveling of border security on day one.

    Here, it’s nothing more than the usual dose of in-your-face virtue signaling against practicing Christians, Jews and religious people of faith.

  3. Please go a step further in the reporting. He does these things to look good while people are being evicted or cannot afford to live in town anymore. Recreation director still hasn’t come up with summer programs. Isn’t she connected to Menendez? I think I read that. Failing the middle class in so many ways and signs these proclamations doesn’t do his job.