Despite a raid at township hall early in the afternoon and later a protest outside of Shuetzen Park, North Bergen Mayor Nick Sacco and his re-election team had a massive turnout for his campaign kickoff party Monday night, where hundreds of attendees could barely move inside the packed establishment.
While Larry Wainstein, Sacco’s main opponent in the May 12 municipal election, staged a protest outside the event, Union City Mayor/state Sen. Brian Stack (D-33) rallied dozens of troops into the venue – foreshadowing the Hudson County Democratic Organization’s pledged unity toward Sacco for the evening.
The Shuetzen Park stage could barely hold all the Hudson County democrats, who were joined with Bergen County Democratic Chairman Lou Stellato and Passaic County/Statewide Chairman John Currie.
Sacco walked to the stage with “The Eye of the Tiger” blaring on the speakers, so it should come as no surprise that the theme of the evening was to kick ass on May 12.
Brian Stack…coward!
What made Stack change his mind?
Joke of 2015:Report: U.S. Senator Robert Menendez calls for investigation of leaked CNN story Ha Ha Ha Ha