Powerful testimonies as Jersey City residents, activists march for peace


Hudson County View documented a Jersey City mother whose son was murdered near city hall, a recent survivor of gun violence, and several anti-violence activists speaking during a peace march from Arlington Park down Martin Luther King Jr Drive.

(rough cuts, no narration)

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  1. No Congressman for Jersey City is the problem.

    Albio Sires back in Florida again. People wake up Albio Sires is a Fidel Castro lackey and is beating the system for his and his famly’s/Friends own gain.

    Wake up JC and elect a Congressman!

  2. I been a dj for over 30 years”’ no one touches my equitment””its like one of my kids”..but what im trying to say””’if for 1 month …nobody gets shot or killed… I will give free dj lessions to all children from the ages o 7 to 21;;; I praying that music can be the answer””the kids will love it;; other djs need to get involed also please stop the killing”thank you