Liberty Humane Society, Jersey City’s non-profit animal shelter, is aiming to raise $3,000 for surgery for a young dog named Feather that sustained a broken leg after her owner allegedly brutally beat her over the 4th of July weekend.
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
On Friday, July 1, Jersey City animal control was called to West Side Avenue to pick up a young named dog Feather, between one and two years old, as well as her two, 5-month old puppies – Jacob and Joshua – after their owner was arrested, LHS said in an email.
The mother dog had multiple cuts and abrasions on her torso, a badly fractured right femur, and a contusion on the left side of her face, according to the organization.
Based on the paperwork filed in relation to the incident, the owner admitted to Jersey City animal control officers that he had punched the dog on Wednesday while the puppies were left unharmed.
Feather was immediately treated at Jersey City Animal Hospital, nearby at 603 West Ave., where her leg was put in a cast and she was later transferred to LHS on July 2.
She is currently undergoing emergency surgery to realign her femur at Crown Veterinary Specialists, located in Lebanon, stated LHS Executive Director Irene Borngraeber.
Borngraeber added that after the surgery, Feather will be transferred to an LHS foster home for continued care, after which she will be available for adoption.
In order to ensure the young mother’s leg heals properly, LHS has set up a page aiming to raise $3,000 for the appropriate medical care.
“The results of such blatant animal cruelty are awful to witness, but your donations will help Liberty Humane Society ensure that all pets like Feather receive the treatment and care they need to go on to live a safe and happy life,” Borngraeber said in a statement.
“We cannot thank you enough for your support.”
A city spokeswoman did not return an email yesterday seeking additional details on the animal cruelty situation.
The City spokesperson should return the reporters call. It is a crime. Animal Cruelty is a crime oftimes associated with other crimes against society. If an arrest was made the public has a right to know the name of the person committing the crime. Why is the Mayors Office keeping quiet?
I hope the dog recovers.