LETTER: Vote for Hoboken Mayor Bhalla for Congress in 8th District, councilman says


In a letter to the editor, Hoboken Councilman-at-Large Joe Quintero reiterates his support for Mayor Ravi Bhalla in the 8th District congressional race, detailing why he is voting for him.

Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla and Councilman-at-Large Joe Quintero. Photo courtesy of Quintero.

Dear Editor,

Early voting for the New Jersey 2024 Democratic Primary began yesterday and my plan is to vote for Mayor Ravi Bhalla to represent our district (NJ-08) in the US Congress. I’ve known Ravi since I was elected to the Hoboken Democrats in 2019.

I then had the honor of running with him in 2021 and have worked closely with him in Hoboken City government since.

Local politics (Hoboken especially) is extremely stressful and as you work with someone in this environment you get to see them at their best and at their worst.

Through all the challenges and successes we’ve faced, three things come to mind when I think about Ravi’s leadership – hard-working, humility, and honesty.

During this campaign there have been a number of misleading and false accusations made about Ravi – don’t believe the hate. I know Ravi Bhalla and he is a good man who has worked tirelessly to make Hoboken a better place.

Like me Ravi is a son of immigrants and has worked extremely hard to make his family and community proud. He is the epitome of the American Dream.

Under Ravi’s leadership, Hoboken has thrived and is today a national and international leader on climate change, pedestrian safety, transportation, and more.

And Ravi works every day to lift up our entire community, regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality, or national origin.

I am supporting Ravi in this election because he has a proven track record leading Hoboken and is the leader we need to represent us in the US Congress.

Joe Quintero
Hoboken City Councilman-at-Large

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  1. Joe faked a vote buying scheme to try to get his buddy and Bhalla candidate Rafi elected, and had to walk his allegations back. How is he not in handcuffs

  2. He should have closed by saying “I’m supporting Ravi in this election because he is my sugar daddy and I am incapable of thinking for myself.”

    Also, wasn’t Clueless Quintero Ravi’s point guy on this dispensary stuff? Wonder how many times he had to lie for daddy…

  3. Sorry, Joe, I’m not buying it. While Hoboken may be a national and international leader on climate change, pedestrian safety, transportation, and more, Ravi was not responsible for these initiatives – his predecessor, Dawn Zimmer was. I have seen little true leadership or innovation from Ravi as mayor. What I have seen since he’s been in office is budget inflation, unnecessary patronage positions, questionable ethics, project cost overruns, a plethora of lawsuits, and a decline in many quality-of-life issues. Rob Menendez will do better.

  4. Joe is supporting Ravi because Ravi pays his campaign bills to be a rubber stamp or Ravi on the Hoboken City Council.