In Hoboken, municipal employees could earn $1,000 incentive for getting COVID-19 vaccination


The Hoboken Rescue Plan, the city’s latest $13.2 million COVID-19 relief strategy, could allow any municipal employee who is vaccinated, or who plan on doing so in the near future, to receive $1,000 for “leading by example.”

Former Hoboken Fire Chief Richard Tremitiedi receive the COVID-19 vaccination at Hoboken University Medical Center. Photo courtesy of the City of Hoboken.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

The Mile Square City’s local relief plan will bolster their coronavirus response, provide, rent relief, alternative transportation, infrastructure improvements, and much more, as HCV first reported.

One allocation that stands out as unique is $600,000 in financial incentives for municipal workers to get inoculated. If the plan as a whole is approved by the city council tomorrow, this would allow a $1,000 payment per employee, city spokeswoman Marilyn Baer said.

“In an effort to increase local vaccination rates, the city is proposing a financial vaccine incentive similar to many other regions across the United States. If approved, all full-time employees who have been vaccinated or who will get vaccinated in the near future will be eligible to receive $1,000,” she said in an email.

“Throughout the pandemic, our employees were the model of leadership and consistency, working tirelessly to maintain city services at a high level. We are asking them once again to be a model and lead by example by getting vaccinated. The overwhelming majority of serious COVID-19 cases, hospital admissions, and COVID-related deaths occur among those not vaccinated. This is just the latest step the city is taking to safeguard its employees and the residents they interact with daily from the spread of COVID-19.”

There are currently approximately 600 municipal employees in Hoboken, including their police and fire departments, though Baer did not respond to a follow-up question asking how many are still unvaccinated.

Hoboken is currently the only Hudson County municipality with a coronavirus vaccine/testing mandate, which went into effect on August 9th, though neighboring Weehawken – along with the county government – said they’d consider doing something similar.

Additionally, Hoboken just reported a high number of breakthrough cases since June, though Mayor Ravi Bhalla noted that all 15 hospitalizations were in unvaccinated individuals.

2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher said that while she is largely supportive of the rescue plan, she is entirely against the $1,000 incentive to get vaccinated, saying it reeks of a bribe.

“It is great to see the ARP funds being applied in these creative ways to benefit many, including the taxpayer friendly approach of funding items already appropriated in this year’s municipal budget,” she said in a statement.

“But that hefty $600,000 vaccine incentive – using taxpayer funds to buy public employees … again? And just a week after … complaints were filed against [the mayor] for a similar action?”

Last week, Fisher and 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino called for state investigations into Mayor Ravi Bhalla offering Councilwoman-at-Large Vanessa Falco a job as the new division of housing’s director come January.

The Hoboken City Council convenes tomorrow at 7 p.m. via Zoom.

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  1. There has to be a better way to spend $600K in Hoboken, then hand it out to as $1K door prizes to City workers. All of Hoboken workers were paid their full salaries, had full benefits and received the Federal $1400 checks. Many also are living in taxpayer subsidized below market housing. Yes, there has to be a better to spend $600K !

    • There is but Ravi Bhalla is going to do what is good for Ravi Bhalla. Using taxpayer monies for his political agenda is “good.”

      Today’s bigger related news: Robert F. Kennedy filed suit in Federal Court with the

      The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that Rutgers is working with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson to study and develop their vaccines in on-going clinical trials, and will benefit financially if more people are required to take the shots.

      Children’s Health Defense (CHD) along with 18 students on Monday filed a lawsuit in federal court against Rutgers University, its board of governors, Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway and others over the university’s decision to mandate COVID vaccines for students attending school in the fall.

      According to the complaint, the Rutgers vaccine requirement “is an affront to human dignity and personal freedom because it violates our basic right to control our bodies.”

      The lawsuit alleges Rutgers’ policy is a violation of the right to informed consent and the right to refuse unwanted medical treatments.

      The complaint also alleges the policy is a breach of contract because in January 2021, the university assured students COVID vaccines would not be required in order to attend school. Just two months later, Rutgers flip-flopped and issued new requirements for taking the shot prior to attending classes.

      According to the plaintiffs, Rutgers is working with all three manufacturers — Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — to study and develop their vaccines in on-going clinical trials, and will benefit financially if more people are required to take the shots which, until fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are defined by the FDA as experimental.

      The Rutgers requirement also constitutes a denial of equal protection, as administration, faculty and staff are not required to take the vaccine. It also conflicts with federal and state law, as neither has enacted legislation requiring COVID vaccines for citizens.

      The lawsuit states that in a free society, “all people have the right to decide their own medical treatment — especially to decide what to inject into their bodies. And every person has the right to make that decision voluntarily, free from coercion by anyone, and to be fully informed of the benefits and especially the risks of that decision.”

      The lawsuit alleges Rutgers’ policy is a violation of the right to informed consent and the right to refuse unwanted medical treatments.

      The complaint also alleges the policy is a breach of contract because in January 2021, the university assured students COVID vaccines would not be required in order to attend school. Just two months later, Rutgers flip-flopped and issued new requirements for taking the shot prior to attending classes.

      According to the plaintiffs, Rutgers is working with all three manufacturers — Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — to study and develop their vaccines in on-going clinical trials, and will benefit financially if more people are required to take the shots which, until fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are defined by the FDA as experimental.

      The Rutgers requirement also constitutes a denial of equal protection, as administration, faculty and staff are not required to take the vaccine. It also conflicts with federal and state law, as neither has enacted legislation requiring COVID vaccines for citizens.

      “No one should be forced or coerced into accepting any medical procedure against her wishes,” Holland said. “When the low risk to young adults from COVID and the known and unknown risks from the vaccines are taken into account, Rutgers’ actions recklessly endanger its students.”

      As confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, young people are at minimal risk of long-term effects or death from COVID and have a 99.985% survival rate if infected with the virus.

      However, the most recent COVID vaccination injury update from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) — one of the tracking systems of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — shows that between mid-December, 2020 and August 6, 2021, 559,040 adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,791 reports of deaths, many in young people ages 12 to 25.

      In comparison, after approximately 50 total deaths following swine flu vaccination in 1976, that vaccine campaign was immediately aborted.

      For the complete article see:

      • The Children’s Health Defense Org are a radical anti-vax group with a highly unethical track record. There opposition to vaccinations includes rubella.

        The far right have an even more unethical track record which is why they are happy to align with CHD when it suits their political objectives. It should be understood that the far right have no medical or public health based objectives.

        Instead of fringe groups getting in bed with fringe groups, you can read the current vaccine data on the CDC website. Data, not opinion, not political agendas. Data.

        Effectiveness of vaccines in most vulnerable populations.

        Breakthrough cases.

        More than 97% of hospitalizations from COVID right now are of unvaccinated people.

        If you want to know what is “experimental” it’s not the vaccines. It’s listening to people with no science or medical background who only wish to score political points.

        You will find that the politically driven never contend with the data. They cast aspersions, claim you are a paid operative for doing something every intelligent citizen should do – read the best available information. Last but not least, they’ll bring up totalitarianism. Anything to change the subject. But they won’t address the data under any circumstances.

        • Yeah the “it’s all unvaccinated people being hospitalized” lie is dead and over. They trotted out that lie until a lawsuit was brought to produce the data and of course they refused. They were ordered to release and everyone now knows it’s a lie.

          How many lies will these Nazis try, get caught and then try again?

          Look at the typical personal attacks jammed with lies against Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Being against the failure of a “universal vaccine” which is not a vaccine at all is not being “anti-vax.”

          The Big Pharma shots are not vaccines. They have not gone through the testing and trials required of any vaccine. They are an experimental drug authorized through an emergency use authorization. Dr. Fallacy, the Big Pharma spoke liar is trying to jam through FDA approval without any of the required standards, data and evidence. They simply release nothing and the people is not allowed comment.

          Look at the desperate lies like this fool above. They are not discussing the scientists who warned about the failed approach of a “vaccine for all” approach. Not at all. They are not looking at the data in Israel, Iceland and the UK with these shots. They are lying. They repeat the lies of others. As an obvious example:

          They need “booster shots” because it’s the unvaccinated people getting sick?
          How utterly stupid you paid hacks are. Transparently stupid.

          • As stated above, you were told that this remarkably dumb individual would….

            -cast aspersions. check
            -claim the comments come from a paid operative. check.
            -bring up totalitarianism. check.
            -fail to contend with the data itself. check.

            These people are very dumb, but very predictable. He’s a fool. He just told you so. Apparently he’s proud of it. But his utter lack of intellect is a public service.

          • There is no excuse for you totalitarian love to suppress the truth about failing experimental injections.

            Discriminating against Americans especially blacks and Hispanics because they didn’t take a failing drug makes no scientific sense. Well in one aspect it does when the objective is to achieve Orwellian control.

            It doesn’t matter whether someone took the Big Pharma experimental drug. Both get infected and transmit. The mandate is about your love of totalitarians.

            Nothing you say dissuades anyone from seeing what you are.

  2. They’re already paid too much to hardly work, now we have to bribe them to be responsible? Who elected these clowns? No, we are NOT “all in this together.”

  3. In a few weeks the vax is going to be fully approved by the FDA, and employers might be able to mandate it with legal protections. Instead, we have Ravi and team buying votes and wasting $ when they could have had employees mandated to get the vax if they waited, and the $600k could have been put to good use.

    This is ridiculous. Last week it was buying a seat on the city council, this week it’s buying votes…what will they think of next? If we’re lucky it gets them booted from office.

    • The vax is failing and the desperate political maneuvering to get an invalid FDA approval is nothing short of crimes against humanity. People are losing their jobs every day due to the insanity of attempting to force them to take an experimental drug against their will and without informed consent.

      You’ll hear nothing about human rights from Ravi Bhalla, alleged civil rights attorney and his band of paid operatives here. They have nothing but contempt for the public as you pointed out in this abhorrent behavior you pointed out Auditor.

      They don’t care.

    • You fished your own karmic wish.

      The scientific facts can not be suppressed any longer: “Dr. Walensky let the Israel cat out of the bag -reports from Israel suggest INCREASED RISK OF SEVERE DISEASE amongst those vaccinated early.”

      That’s exactly what many scientists warned early on and now many more are pointing to the highly vaccinated state of Israel as what can be expected here.

    • Yeah, fat chance. My friend knows him, said the Horse is literally strong as a horse. If you’re going to try and kill him by sitting on him, you better hurry.

    • if u start a GoFundMe. I’d sell tickets to see that unvaxxed slob intubated, gasping for air in the Covid ICU. It’s only a matter of time anyway. Can we call him Delta?