In Hoboken, Chaparro, DeFusco, Romano join Bhalla’s transition team


Hoboken Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro (D-33), 1st Ward Councilman Mike DeFusco and Freeholder Anthony Romano (D-5) are among the 13 that will chair committees on Mayor-elect Ravi Bhalla’s transition team. 

Ravi Bhalla

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“One of the largest untapped assets of Hoboken is the intellectual capital of its residents. I encourage interested residents to participate in this process so our Transition Team can provide the kind of quality recommendations that will better enable us to hit the ground running,” Bhalla said in a statement.

“I appreciate the participation of so many of my fellow mayoral candidates. This demonstrates unity in our common interests as a community, and promotes effective governance.”

The transition team will be chaired by Phil Cohen, a zoning board commissioner and vice chair of the local Democratic committee.

Additionally, the transition leadership includes four of the other candidates in this year’s mayoral election and two new council members – who will serve as chairs of key policy committees.

Noticeably absent from the team is Council President Jen Giattino, who a Bhalla spokesman said declined an invitation to chair the constituent services committee. Giattino did not immediately respond to a text message seeking comment.

Each committee chair will prepare at least three substantive recommendations for implementation in 2018 and Bhalla encourages any Hoboken residents that are interested in joining the transition team and serving on one of the transition committees to send an email to Cohen at

Based on the recommendations of the committee chairs, the transition team will assemble a report to be considered by Mayor-elect Bhalla and the members of his Administration.

The committees with their respective chairs are as follows:

· Affordable Housing – Councilwoman-at-Large-elect Vanessa Falco
· Arts, Music & Culture – Chris O’Connor & Liz Ndoye
· Constituent Service – Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro
· Drug Abuse Prevention – Angelo Valente
· Economic Development – 1st Ward Councilman Michael DeFusco
· Education – Councilwoman-at-Large-elect Emily Jabbour
· Infrastructure – Jon Otto & Stewart Mader
· Public Safety – Freeholder Anthony Romano
· Quality of Life – Mayor David Roberts
· Small Business Development – Karen Nason
· Transportation and Parking – Ron Bautista

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  1. Noticeably absent are committees on over development, recreation and parking. I also find it hilarious that former Mayor Roberts is heading a committee. Under his leadership the city finances were taken over by forced State monitoring. He and his buddy Bernie Kenny were responsible for doubling our taxes while city services were among the worst in the history of our city. I suppose the fact that Bernie always manages to find a way to manipulate a situation to his advantage means that Davie will be pushing Ravi to give Bernie some municipal contracts. I was hoping for better from Ravi.

    • bernie was one of the three brains behind giattino. he bitterly opposed the idea of bhalla running. he will be remaining in the crying room with the others who can’t handle the fact that they weren’t consulted on a successor and that their own choice finished far out of the money.

    • Overdevelopment would likely fall under housing, QoL, and infrastructure
      Recreation falls under Constituent Service and QoL
      Parking probably falls under Transportation and “Parking”

  2. The scam is on. This is only the beginning. All the fools who supported Ravi don’t have a clue he is pushing for Michael Russo to be council president.

    Michael Russo. Yes, that Michael Russo.

    Let the idiots who listened to Nancy Pincus chew on that and let the sale of Hoboken begin in earnest!

    Oh yeah, that JohnP2P guy is made Chief of Staff. Because the back room deals gotta be paid off. Next, NJ Transit!

    Here come the operating engineer cranes!

      • Hi Nancy, nice to see you escape the safe space.
        So is Hoboken Horse right? How will you spin this for Ravi?

        Oh and how will you spin that operating engineer union’s cranes when they come to build Ravi Bhalla Towers?

        C’mon we need a few laughs over the holiday before Hoboken is completely sold off. Just give us a couple of lies to enjoy.

        • the only one who goes around saying hoboken horse is right is hoboken horse. but he thinks he’s a man of a thousand disguises. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!!!!!!

          • Nancy, you need to come up with an excuse why Ravi is pushing Russo for council president.

            Let’s hear from your made up characters why this is so great for Hoboken. You can blame those mean council people who just won’t submit after you and Ravi tried to destroy their reputations.

            So sad, it’s a crying shame the embittered winners have to live on the scorched earth you created.

            Enjoy the taste!

            Here’s a cyberhanky for you and Ravi.

          • Where’s the story on Ravi’s John P2P payoff Nancy Pincus?

            How about the big legal go away payoff to save Shadow Stan and Jake Striver?

            Look at all the “Reform” you support going Bonkers for Bhalla!

            Ok, back to your safe censored space so you can write up more of your lousy Lane lies. At least he made them seem plausible on Hoboken411. Your lies get you busted and into more trouble.

            Did Nancy Pincus go to the dinner with Ravi and Mike Russo? Don’t you at least want to tell us about those deals? You have nothing to say about Ravi’s pick for council president?

            Nancy Pincus has nothing true to say now about anything that’s actually going on!

            Keep up the bad “work” Nancy. Yeah, you’re a victim because someone responded to you with a better joke. What a crybaby hypocrite!

    • it’s ironic that nobody did more to harm the reputations of the Giattino crew than two of her biggest boosters Roman Brice and Kurt Gardiner. You can’t generally choose your enemies, but you certainly can choose your friends. Something for some of the losing candidates to consider going forward.

      • Shut up Stan. Now you sound as dumb now as Nancy.

        Just go ahead and skate away scott free courtesy of Hoboken taxpayers for almost a cool million.

        Oh and nice work on the Ravi “attack” flyer. Congrats.

        • He’s surrounded!!!

          Except for Ruben Ramos… Bricejardi LOVES Rubens Ramos. Yeah… Ruben and Jen and Tiff and Bricejardi….Talk about “Reform Traitors!”

          • Looks like Nancy Pincus is having another meltdown. It’s sad but yes, that’s the thrill of victory when you betray principle and become an utter asshole for power you don’t even wield.

            People can sit back and watch the incompetence as not a single street is fixed on Washington, a $10 million debt to Suez grows and Ravi plays victim rolling in the PAC dough and self-serving deals all the way. It’s only the beginning of the slide.

            Way to go Nancy! Glad you packed in all the morons on the Titanic for the ride down. Maybe Ravi will name a bathroom after you in his NJ Transit Ravi Bhalla towers. You truly deserve it!

            The film flam fixers are going to have a field day with Hoboken. Appointments by donation with JohnP2P and approvals through Flooriyo Pergucchi. Back up the Brinks Truck and load up the million dollar payola for Carmelo so Stan Grossbard and Jake Stuiver can skate from their moronic emails.

            Mayor Zimmer going out under a dark cloud with Hoboken flashing a neon “For Sale” sign at the city entrances making the old good things feel like a distant memory. She leaves Hoboken in greedy hands feeding at the trough all the way. Way to go Dawn!

  3. Does Kenny even matter anymore? He wanted to end Carmelo’s career and now Carmelo is deputy mayor of Newark. Then he threw all his weight behind Fourth Place Jen to try to stick it to Dawn and wound up not moving the needle for her one iota.

    His days in his power are pretty far in the past at this point and it’s hard to see what juice he has anymore or why he should be taken seriously or even be a boldface name these days.

    • Brice killed his own blog with his psycho babbling and now he’s going to kill Kurt’s. Good luck getting any adult readers with that fruitcake around.

    • Roman Brice a.k.a. Bricejardi the Smear merchant. So, you are saying that appearing in a Reuters video aired Al-Jazeera English network makes one a “Traitor to Reform”?


      BUT.. BUT… isnt Roman Brice a “Reform Resister”? Seems more like he’s resisting getting a job, a girl friend, a life. Instead he hangs out on a white nationalist Trump-humpin’ lunatic Twitter account #The storm, or trashes people here instead of getting a J-O-B, borrows money and gets sued cause he doesn’t pay it back…

      You know, hugging Mayor-elect Bhalla in a Reuters news video sounds a lot better than THAT! Angry, hateful Brice. Gotta blame someone. Anyone but yourself.

      Get a J-O-B and a L-I-F-E, and stop blaming others like Nancy because your life sucks.

  4. Can anyone imagine how much defaming and personal attacks the Ravi Bhalla backers would be doing if they lost the election? Well, we don’t have to worry since that insider job of a flier worked wonders for Ravi.

    Anyone know who put this Ravi propaganda video together staged for Al Jazeera? Al Jazeera, the happy pro terrorist site chased out of Egypt when the people rose up to overthrow oppression! Now there’s some irony. How much irony will Hoboken be able to handle when the truth on who’s behind that flyer emerges?

  5. Random thoughts: These comments are beyond stupid and John Heinis should consider eliminating the comment function on Hoboken articles. The MSV guy Roman Brice and NHSA guy Kurt Gardiner are all over here trashing Bhalla because they eant him to fail. want mayor Bhalla to fail. Both are rooting for Bhalla’s political demise. Just like Lane Bajardi, Perry Klaussen, Perry Belfiore and James Barracato tried to bring Bhalla down 7 years ago. Those two are no different. No I am not a so-called cave dweller. I’ve been reading the blogs for years. I stopped subscribing to Brice’s blog when he went Breitbart. Used to support him. Not any more. He should return everybody’s subscription fee with interest. Bait and switch. Graphix opinion column is better written and sometimes hilarious. Those two are jealous of her ability especially Brice. Kurt may write better than Brice but his resistence premise is dumb. Resist what? The new mayor hasn’t started yet. Big turnoff. I miss the old Hoboken411 before Perry lost his mind. It was the best discussion forum. Hoboken needs a blog to replace what Hoboken411 and MSV used to be without the crazy conspiracy theories and fake news. Brice sounds crazier than Klaussen. Hoboken needs an honest journalist with integrity to step up and fill the vacuum. John H consider what I said.