The City of Hoboken will end their indoor mask mandate on Wednesday as the COVID-19 rate of transmission plummets through the state.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View
The city’s office of emergency management issued the mandate at the end of December due to an Omicron-related spike in cases, where OEM Coordinator Sgt. William Montanez said it would be lifted when the state’s rate of positivity hits five percent below for a week or the daily city case average falls below the weekly average of the cases in November.
The end of the mask requirement will take effect Wednesday, February 9th, with today marking the first time Hudson County’s positivity rate fell below 5 percent.
“Since the very first decision to shut down at the beginning of the pandemic, Hoboken has used science and data to guide decisions on keeping the public safe. In recent days, the numbers make it clear that cases are significantly falling in the region, which is welcome news,” Mayor Ravi Bhalla said in a statement.
“This data point, combined with Hoboken’s high vaccination rate, robust testing options, and low hospitalizations, make it possible for us to lift our indoor mask requirement. I thank the many residents and businesses who adhered to this safety precaution as we navigated through the Omicron phase of the pandemic.”
Local businesses and schools will have the option to implement their own mask policies, with face covering still required at municipal buildings.
The decision is not shocking, with New Jersey’s rate of transmission down to just 0.52 percent, according to the state Department of Health, and Gov. Phil Murphy (D) announcing this morning that he will lift the statewide school mask mandate next month.
“Although our mask requirement for indoor locations is currently coming to an end, it is still important to utilize the tools we have at our disposal to stay safe from COVID-19,” added Bhalla.
“COVID-19 remains a significant health risk for those who are unvaccinated, and I ask anyone who has not yet done so, to get vaccinated or boosted, and get tested if you believe you’ve been exposed.”
Midterms are coming! The Midterms are coming! And suddenly, all the anti-science mandates begin falling. Even as the CCP virus deaths climb to one million in the US. Last week, there were days of 3,000 or more US deaths but hey, it’s time to stop the damage to the Democrats. But how do they fix their successful fear-induced brainwashing of their voters. Walk around Hoboken and you will see people in their 20s and 30s walking around outdoors wearing face diapers in bitter cold. They must think the virus maintains its own nuclear reactor to keep warm or that it turns into a deadly ice popsicle. The tyranny and lies are not over. In Israel, they are seeing record highs in cases and deaths with a population is is well over 80% vaxed.
This as so many other countries without the clot shot are seeing far less harm as they have made Ivermectin and HCQ therapies readily available. Not just as early treatments but actually made them available. In the US, early inexpensive and effective treatments were blocked. Now there are over 900,000 dead and Big Pharma with their loyal pal Tony Fauci sit on all-time record profits in the billions!
The Horse stall must really stink these days… Well at least he never has to worry about getting STD’s… Too much of a loser to get la*#, too poor to pay for it.
We know the science “changed.” Ok, obviously not but that’s the political line promoted and you Ravibots should follow your party line and stick to it. Does Ravi pay you to attack people on taxpayer time? We don’t.
Stop giving that Horse any credit, we need to focus on Joe Rogan. He’s out there interviewing top scientists and doctors from around the globe. We have to put an end to it. Can you and Ravi help?
Racist Joe Rogan is your hero. What a surprise.
We’re going to silence the misinformation on Joe Rogan’s broadcast. We have Alec Baldwin working with us and can count on Ravi and his staff helping.
For the whack a doodle ” activists” that have been calling into council meetings for a year demanding an end to the mask mandate, this must be such joyous news!
They may now return to calling into council meetings to scream about 5G poles reading our minds, fake threats, computer scanners erasing rent control files, giant flood monsters, flying saucers over Stevens campus and a serpent swimming in the Hudson waiting to eat the next Kayaker.
It must hurt a lot. The people who had common sense noting you can’t stop a less than micron-sized respiratory virus with a stupid cloth mask were right all along. Hey even Tony Fauci wrote the same thing early on in a private email. It was eventually made public and many Americans read it. Except you and your cult.
Those people who took time to point out the stupidity were not the crazies. You and your Branch Covidian brainwashed brethren are with Ravi helping out until he was told to stop and hit reverse. Thee end. #Science
The Fauci email is a talking point for people who want to weasel along on talking points and hope no one bothers to fact check. It’s not for honest people or anyone else. It’s perfect for you though.
The Fauci email was revelatory exposing a truth he did not want made known, not a talking point. It’s further confirmation and the simple truth. More truth not less is forthcoming.
Ignores 5 fact checks to the contrary and repeats himself. That’s your 2022 conservative in a nutshell and why they are completely disqualified from discussing science. Science doesn’t operate that way.
Actual science isn’t proven by propaganda declarations by your anti-science “fact checkers” and far left propaganda outlets. Your party leaders and CNN got their marching orders and surrendered. It all happened in the blink of an eye. That’s politics, not science.
You can go back to hating Ivermectin and other inexpensive, effective early treatments. Fauci, Big Pharma and your party are counting on you.
USA Today is a far left propaganda outfit. Got it.
Everyone who doesn’t agree with you about national issues is far left.
Everyone who doesn’t agree with you about local issues works for Bhalla.
The only real question is whether you’re deranged, just plain lazy or both.
Your desperation is noted as Nevada today announced it will immediately follow actual scientific data joining the sudden exodus of states led by Democrats bailing out on the anti-science face diaper mandates. Nevada put it in place immediately joining NY, NJ, OR, DE and now they’re all following Texas and Florida. We all know how the media and institutions have been pathetically lying. Nothing new about a respiratory virus unaffected by dopey face diapers. The science hasn’t changed only the internal polls. Run along and kiss Ravi’s ass, put on two face diapers and hide in your bathroom. CMAR to Stacy Abrams. Here’s a cyberhanky for you.
The crazies may now return to 5G pole mind erasers, giant tenant easting landlords , scanners that erase rent control files and trees in the park that talk
Ravi wants everyone to know, your school can still retain the power of child abuse. One day, citizens, parents and these children will hold everyone who imposed this anti-science face diaper cruelty accountable. Soon.
Time to raise the rents on those who weren’t paying for TWO years even while working and making money…
New York State just followed CT, NJ, DE and CA. The political mandates are collapsing sans the child abuse. Boy those teachers hate science and hate children even more. What fool wants to try and argue children are the super spreader virus threat killing the planet? What evil treachery!