The Hoboken Police Department issued six house party violations over the weekend and Mayor Ravi Bhalla says that the city will recommend their municipal prosecutor give them each the maximum fine of $1,000.
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
“Over the weekend, the Hoboken Police Department has continued to enforce city ordinances and regulations to help keep our residents safe. Unfortunately, certain individuals in our community are still disregarding the health and safety of our community by hosting house parties,” Bhalla said in a Nixle alert last night.
“The Hoboken Police Department is no longer giving warnings for these house parties that are violating city ordinances, and gave out six violations for ‘disorderly house’ that include up to a $1,000 fine. The city will recommend to the municipal prosecutor that the maximum fine be given in these situations given the current public health crisis.”
Earlier this month, the Hoboken City Council approved a measure allowing their PD to issue these sanctions, which was delayed by a few days after a special meeting was unable to convene due to a lack of quorum.
Gov. Phil Murphy (D) said on MSNBC this morning that he is decreasing the capacity limit on indoor gathering from 25 people down to 10, which could potentially open the door for these fines to be issued more frequently in the Mile Square City.
Thank you HPD! Thank you Mayor Bhalla!
When did anyone last die in Hoboken from the CCP Virus?
Were they a resident of a senior facility or a member of these house parties?
not sure what you’re talking about but we have coronavirus, known as COVID-19. have you been living under a rock?
also, people don’t have to die, they can (and do) get ongoing respiratory issues. and young people at house parties can bring COVID TO seniors when visiting.
here’s an idea: how about you care even a little for your fellow man? ya know, karma. you might need it someday.
Guess which Hoboken crazy co-hosts a far rightwing extremist talk show advocating war, #Wartime with New York City Guns? Crazy dude’s on almost every episode!
Whoa, who is that guy? Am I mistaken or did he say he hopes they use suitcase bombs? What a whackjob.
Whack job is right. Who is he? Nobody knows for sure. Hear he does PR for Hoboken council people and cohosts #Wartime with New York City Guns. Yo HPD watch this dude……..
serious? there are Hoboken city councilors who know and work with this guy? please tell me which ones, I want to confront and shame them, disgraceful.
geez, people get investigated by the Feds for making terrorist threats like that. HPD needs to look into this guy and pass the info along to the proper authorities.
it’s true. the gun happy crazy Hoboken co-host of #Wartime with New York City Guns publishes press releases for Ruben Ramos Tiffany Fisher Mike Defusco on his little blog. Don’t forget to watch episode #13 lol