HHA Chair Dana Wefer talks improved security, generators and the ED search


In the absence of Hoboken Housing Authority Acting Executive Director Robert DiVincent, HHA Chairwoman Dana Wefer spoke about improving cooperative effort between the HHA and the Hoboken police department, the long-awaited installation of six new generators and the ongoing executive director search. 


Wefer said that after a “productive” meeting with new city Chief of Police Ken Ferrante, a memorandum of understanding will likely be meshed out with the police department so that more patrols exist in housing authority areas.

“What we’re going to do is propose to the board two memorandums of understanding with the police department,” Wefer said, explaining that there needs to be hard guidelines set up for the “Officers Next Door” program.

She also said that Ferrante will be attending the first HHA meeting of 2015 to address residents’ concerns.

Additionally, the chairwoman announced that six new generators will be installed in the next month, which she initially told Hudson County View would likely happen, and countywide, statewide and FEMA grants are all being pursued to make sure the additional eight generators are installed in a timely fashion.

“FEMA believes that they might be able to get us the money to look at raising, grants, to raise the electrical sub-panels, to the point where if there’s another Sandy-like event the generators will [stay] on,” she said.

Finally, Wefer revealed that as part of the ongoing national executive director search, the authority is going to seek an executive search consultant, as well as looking to implement a deputy executive director position at the HHA in 2015.

All of the aforementioned measures passed as Thursday’s regularly scheduled Hoboken Housing Authority meeting.

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  1. Hoboken would have to find a very sweet talking exec search firm to cover up the incompetence of the board and hide the facts of the extent of discrimination, manipulation and outright fraud in the administration of the City of Hoboken.No competent person would want the job when the necessary corrections to the Board and the City Admin have not been made.