UPDATED: Fauta, Scarinci continue feud over new bus route via letters to county

UPDATED 1:51 p.m.
“At this time, it is impossible to negotiate a satisfactory solution to this problem without including the parents of the children in this discussion,” Donald Scarinci wrote to John Fauta in a letter dated September 30.
“Your office has not completed a cost analysis,” the letter says, also questioning if a wraparound program would quell safety concerns.

WNY Superintendent John Fauta referenced a two-page letter from Town Attorney Donald Scarinci, sent to Interim Executive County Superintendent Monica Tone, dated September 22, where he said that Fauta “has refused to bus these children.”

He also wrote in the letter that Fauta had painted the town “in a false and negative light to the Department of Education.”

Fauta then wrote to Tone on September 26 with a four-page letter, responding to Scarinci’s allegations point-by-point.

As Hudson County View reported last month, Fauta and Scarinci were on opposite ends of the spectrum after the town approved a $100,000 shared services agreement with the board of education.

Fauta told us that money for a new bus route could cost upwards of $700,000, so $100k simply wasn’t going to cut it.

Scarinci and town spokesman Pablo Fonseca did not immediately return calls seeking comment, but this story will be updated in the event comment is given.

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  1. excellent reporting John Heinis. State law is overwhelmingly clearly on Supt. Fauta's assertions, not Mr. Scarinci. Mr. Scarinci's rhetoric that characterizes Mr. Fauta's current assertion( regarding the busing issue) and past assertions( which led to the State Commissioner of Education's scathing OFAC report in April of last year) as being false is disingenuous on Mr. Scarinci's part.