Developer Steve Hyman ‘keeps it real’ over Sixth Street Embankment


Real Estate Developer Steve Hyman blasted Mayor Fulop and city hall, as well as the Embankment Preservation Coalition, in a sit down with Hudson County View regarding the Sixth Street Embankment.

After listening to him speak before the city council, Hudson County View got the chance to sit down with real estate developer Steve Hyman to talk about the 6th street embankment, a property his wife owns.

The conversation started with a question about a recent court ruling in favor of activists seeking to have the city of Jersey City turn the property into a park. Hyman downplayed the ruling, stating that he would ultimately win the decade-long legal battle with the embankment preservation coalition over the property.

Hyman also estimated how much the property would be worth if the embankment were to be rezoned, similar to a nearby property in Hamilton Park which was rezoned to 300 units-per-acre from 66 units to benefit a development by Kushner Real Estate Group.

In addition, Hyman theorized as to why Jersey City hasn’t allowed him to develop the property yet, and who might end up developing the property. He also estimated how much he thought Taxpayers had already spent on the battle over the embankment, as well as how much a potential park for the embankment could cost.

Finally, Hyman spoke about how he saw himself as the true savior of the embankment property, and how Ward E of Jersey City, the mostly affluent downtown section, would be the only part of the city to benefit from turning the area into a park.

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