WNY BOE trustee slams Alamo Insurance, board still doesn’t terminate contract


In the midst of another OFAC investigation, West New York Board of Education Trustee Matthew Cheng went off on the RFQ process and questioned how Alamo Insurance was selected as the board’s insurance provider in the first place. Despite that fact, the motion to terminate Alamo’s contract failed at Wednesday’s meeting.

Cheng slammed the board for “making a mockery of the RFQ process” and for repeatedly picking “politically connected companies” instead of looking out for the best interests of the school children.

Earlier in the meeting, Superintendent of Schools John Fauta announced that the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance – better known as OFAC – is investigating the board for the way insurance firms were selected earlier in the summer, as only Hudson County View has reported.

Editor’s Note: The footage obtained for this news clip was obtained from an anonymous viewer and was not shot by any member of the Hudson County View staff. 

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  1. SWhat is Frank Fereiro (an audience member who lobbied school board to reinstate Alamo) connection to Pablo Fonseca? Pablo ran Booker’s mayoral re-election campaign. A member of Latin Eagles, who’s group was paid by Booker campaign to produce and/or distribute campaign materials also worked for Alamo in Newark. That Newark Alamo office was raided by FBI. Frank Fereiro was paid $6,500, according to published report to work in Newark before June 3rd primary in WNY. The pen is mightier than the sword, Frank. Matthew pulls no punches here and his assertions are spot-on. You, however showed your true colors when you tried to sucker punch the integrity of the WNY BOE.

  2. Mr.Cheng.Good for you,I am impressed and proud of your defense of the children of this town and the People of W.N.Y .It is about time a board member questions the veracity of these deals rather than just rubber stamping it! Kudos for you.I am also glad that you made the point, clearly, that this is not solely our jurisdiction that has this problem.