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Tag: nick scutari

Stack and Scutari join Gottheimer to discuss bills to stop benefit...

New Jersey Senate President Nick Scutari (D-22) and state Senator Brian Stack (D-33) joined U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-5) to discuss complementary bills being...

Scutari & Stack bill would help victims of stolen welfare benefits,...

A bill sponsored by state Senate President Nick Scutari (D-22) and state Senator Brian Stack (D-33) would help victims of stolen welfare benefits and...

N.J. swears in latest legislative class, including Hudson County’s 9-member delegation

The New Jersey Legislature swore in their latest class today, including Hudson County's 9-member delegation that includes two new state senators and five new...

Grassroots effort underway to find alternatives for 4 bus routes ending...

A grassroots effort is underway to find alternatives for four A&C Bus routes slated to end in Jersey City on Halloween as electeds also...

Fulop on N.J. budget: Eliminating the corporate business tax ‘is an...

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, also a Democratic candidate for governor, weighed in on the state budget, indicating that eliminating the corporate business tax...

Scutari and Stack team up to bolster Union County Dems ahead...

New Jersey Senate President Nick Scutari (D-22) and state Senator (D-33)/Union City Mayor Brian Stack teamed up to bolster Union County Democrats ahead of...

Payne endorses Scutari as next N.J. Senate president, Oakley hits opponent’s...

U.S. Rep. Donald Payne (D-10) is backing state Senator Nick Scutari (D-22) as the president of the New Jersey Legislature's upper chamber, while Payne...

Murphy attends mayor’s ball for Sacco, talks re-election: ‘We win this...

Gov. Phil Murphy (D) made a late appearance at state Senator (D-32)/North Bergen Nick Sacco's annual ball, exclaiming "we win this thing in Hudson...

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