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Tag: migrant buses

Murphy: ‘Imperative’ bus operators give N.J. 32 hours notice before arriving...

Gov. Phil Murphy (D) has penned a letter to bus operators transporting migrants from Louisiana and Texas to New Jersey, stating that it is...

4 N.J. House members, including Hudson’s 3 reps, ask Murphy for...

Four New Jersey House members, including the 3 representative for Hudson County, have penned a letter to Gov. Phil Murphy (D) requesting a meeting...

In potential 2025 preview, Ciattarelli and Fulop spar over migrants arriving...

In a potential preview of the 2025 gubernatorial contest, Republican Jack Ciattarelli and Democratic Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop sparred over sanctuary cities and...

895 migrants traveled to 5 N.J. train stations, including Secaucus, before...

Approximately 895 migrants traveled to five different New Jersey train stations, including Secaucus, since the weekend, before heading to New York City, sources with...

4 buses of migrants arrived at Secaucus train station yesterday, mayor...

Four buses of migrants arrived at the Secaucus Junction train station yesterday, Mayor Michael Gonnelli said, stating these are the "unexpected consequences" of a...