After getting arrested for drunk driving in March, Jersey City Ward B Councilman Khemraj “Chico” Ramchal has been charged with stealing county time as the result of an alleged “no show” county job, according to The Jersey Journal.Â
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
Ramchal appeared in Central Judicial Processing court today on charges that he wasn’t showing up to work, yet was still getting paid as an enforcement officer for the Hudson County Improvement Authority, the Journal reported.
The criminal complaint says he knowingly obtained “the property of the County of Hudson, specifically through paychecks in the excess of $500, by deception,” the report also says.
Ramchal was fired from the job back in June and when addressing the drunk driving charge, has previously stated that he was no plans of relinquishing his council seat.
He was not present at last evening’s council meeting where the board voted to absorb the Jersey City Incinerator Authority into the city’s Department of Public Works.
FINALLY! We knew this charge was coming and it is about time. BUT WAIT! I can see the future. He buys the best lawyers he can and pleads guilty to a petty disorderly offense that will go away because he will get PTI (Pre Trial Intervention) If he’s good for 6 months or a year the charge goes away. WATCH it happen.
When will these politician get the message? They are elected officials that were elected by people who placed their trust in them to doo the right thing for those within they legislative districts, NOT TO LINE THEIR POCKETS FOR THEMSELVES. Guys like Ramchal should be “tared and feathered” then sent to jail. The residents of Jersey City should be enraged, take to the streets demanding nothing but the maximum in jail time for these dirtbags. And they ask why decent people are moving out of a once great city.
Unfortunately, this does not happen only in Jersey City. It’s all over Hudson County and it’s the fault of the sleazy politicians who have no sense of their obligations to the people. They get themselves and their cronies elected for only one reason: to enrich themselves.
It’s so ingrained in this county that corruption has almost become genetic. Unless there is a massive uprising by the people and the prosecutors start doing their jobs and prosecuting the criminals, nothing will ever change.
You should come to WNY and see what goes on here, and the filth that is running this town.
December 26, 2015
The employers of all the city workers has to report anything happen in Jersey City, New Jersey to local authority because it is in the criminal justices law books. The city workers should represent their employment outstanding because the citizens are focusing on the city workers to improve this wonderful City of Jersey City, New Jersey. Anyone can be liable for things happening because things can happen it is life situation understand citizens of this great country of the United States of America.
Ms. Cynthia Chandler