Op-Ed: ‘We, Republicans in Hudson County, know our state can do better’


In an editorial, seven Hudson County Republicans express their desire for a GOP gubernatorial candidate that can unite the party and turn New Jersey red.

Facebook photo.

Republicans and commonsense voters in Hudson County (including the many former Democrats and current Democrats who cast their ballot for President Trump) stand for making our country, state, and county affordable again.

We are for enforcing laws so that violent offenders are locked up, not let out on the same day. We want to reverse the disastrous top-down tax-and-spend policies of woke progressive extremists that rob the middle class and keep the poor down.

We want a true gubernatorial race in which the GOP candidate stands up for the average Joe against the spectrum of do-nothing to well-intentioned but harmful policies which have made NJ one of the top (if not the first in the nation) for big crime, big government, big corruption, big taxes, and sky high cost of living.

Hard choices must be made in Trenton if our state is going to change from a place which doesn’t respect individual freedom and personal pocketbooks to a place of liberty and prosperity.

Tough decisions need to be made to turn our state 180 degrees from someplace young adults flee to start their lives, retirees flee to live out their golden years, and entrepreneurs flee to start a business.

We, Republicans in Hudson County, know our state can do better.

The election of President Trump, that our state is on the cusp of becoming a swing state, the many recently former Democrats registered as Republicans, and that so many NJ Democrats voted for Trump, show that it is possible for our state to turn the corner.

We can, and NJ citizens and legal residents deserve, for our state to come back to common sense on crime, taxes, cost of living, and corruption.

We need a strong GOP gubernatorial candidate who can grow the state GOP like Trump has grown the national GOP.

We need a gubernatorial candidate who can, as Trump did, expand the base with the working class, the Black community, Jews, Asians, Arabs, new Americans, gays, and Hispanics, without watering down the message to pander (like Democrats) to the presumed interests of sectarian politics.

We look forward to a GOP gubernatorial primary where we can see who is a uniting, bridge building, truth telling warrior for the people.

Jose Arango, Hudson County Republican Chairman
Holly Lucyk, Hudson County Republican Vice Chairwoman
Vincent Cuseglio, Bayonne Republican Chairman
Herminio Mendoza, Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey President
Pavel Sokolov, Hudson County Republican Director
Jennifer Zinone, Bayonne
Joshua Sotomayor Einstein, Hoboken

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  1. Convicted felon. Adjudicated rapist. Bankrupted casinos. Stole from children’s cancer charity. Mocks the disabled. Cheats on his wives. Has no idea how government works. Fomented insurrection. Slobbers over dictators. Racist. Sexist.

    This is the guy you worship, and you think you’re the ones to make NJ better?

    Kind of pathetic.

  2. Thanks for the comic relief! So all of you, with straight faces tell us you are reaching out to African Americans and Gays AND, that you are proudly anti-Woke. Are any of you people Black or Gay? For starters, look up the historical definition of woke. Look up the fines your MAGA man had to pay years ago for red-lining his properties from being available fir sale to members of the African American community. Look up the full page adds MAGA man took out in The NY Times FALSELY ACCUSING the Central Park Five of crimes they did not commit and calling for their execution. Even when a confession and dna exhonerated them, he REFUSED to apologize.
    On issue of Homosexuality, your Modern Republican Party has done FAR MORE harm to Gays than has the Modern Democratic Party.

    You’re damn right Democrats are top-down on taxation, but you are dead wrong on spending, when Democrats are bottom-up. Unlike you supply/side economy afficionados ( which POTUS 41 referred to as Voodoo Economics, before he became Reagan’s VP) Democrats are proudly demand-side economy proponents, John Maynard Keynes, who philosophy FDR wisely steered our economy towards to save it from the caprices, and avarice, and unbridled speculation of you supply-siders that brought us Hoovervilles and the Great Depression. Kindly stop choking on the minor imperfections of the Democratic Party while you swallow whole the MANY LIES AND TRANSGRESSIONS of POTUS 45/POTUS-elect 47.

    • ‘Hispanics for Trump’ Solo hablo cincosientos palabros en Espaniol, mas o menos. Si, es verdad que usted hablais mejor Ingles que yo hablo en Espanol, but I respectfully think you should re-read my original comment, which took exception to this article’s 4th sentence:
      “We want to reverse the disastrous top-down tax-and spend policies of WOKE progressive extremists that rob the middle class and keep the poor down” ( which, by the way, has way too many disjointed moving parts ), considering that in your 12th sentence, among the groups you are seeking to attract more of a following are: “…the Black community…gays…”If you really understood the definition of the term “woke”, then you would clearly see how the authors of this article’s anti-woke stance clearly contradicts its claimed embrace of “…the Black community…(and)…gays…”

  3. 78 years old and counting. Big fat gut, chows down on greasy McDonald’s, hides his medical records like they’re Top Secret documents he stole from the WH, is clearly in an early stage of dementia- not quite drooling but $h*ts his pants on a regular basis. Temu Putin is on his last legs, and VP Vance, the couch-humper, is a dozen Big Macs away from the Oval.

    Hudson County Republicans ? Freaks that ran away from the circus.