LETTER: Charles Kushner’s recent donations to Trump & McGreevey are red flags


In a letter to the editor, Jersey City council-at-large candidate Kristen Zadroga Hart explains why she feels that Charles Kushner’s recent donations to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and former Gov. Jim McGreevey are red flags.

Kristen Zadroga-Hart. Facebook photo.

Dear Editor,

As a woman, the mother of a daughter, an educator and someone who believes in the fundamental rights of allowing people to choose who they love, what God (if any) they can worship and that a woman has a right to bodily autonomy, the idea of another Trump Presidency scares the hell out of me.

I am doing everything in my power to make sure it does not happen. Sunday, in Deal, New Jersey, a big money fundraiser was held in support of a Trump/Vance administration.

A quick glance at the invitation for this fundraiser and you will notice the names of Seryl and Charles Kushner as two of the event co-sponsors. As per the invitation, co-sponsors must contribute no less than $250,000 to Trump’s election fund.

A contribution of that amount of money indicates a deep belief in a candidate’s platform and value system. Charles Kushner must really believe in Donald Trump and his racist, misogynistic and hateful rhetoric.

Do you know who else Charles Kushner must really believe in? Jersey City mayoral candidate Jim McGreevey.

A simple search of McGreevey’s latest campaign donor list and one can see that Charles Kushner and his wife have each donated the maximum amount allowed by New Jersey election laws.

I am running for Jersey City council at-large in 2025 because I believe in the people and the promise of this great city. There is no place for hate.

I am calling on Jim McGreevey to return any and all contributions made by the Kushners immediately and denounce any further support from them, monetary or otherwise.

Kristen Zadroga-Hart
Jersey City council-at-large candidate on Bill O’Dea’s ticket

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