LETTER: Candidates shouldn’t honor women and ask for campaign cash at the same time


In a letter to the editor, Bayonne resident Gail Godesky voices her opinion why candidates shouldn’t host events honoring women and campaign cash at the same time.

Dear Editor,

First and foremost, so little space To truly say what’s on my mind.

Let me start by saying the seven women that were honored on Saturday, April 9 at the Chandelier are well-deserved of their honor and recognition as they have served our city and citizens throughout many years. My congratulations to them.

However, to have a candidate ask attendees to make the check payable to Jacqueline Weimmer candidate for Council in the 2022 election is … what’s the right word here? Disgusting? Self-serving? Unethical?

I think the best is self-serving and not caring about the City of BAYONNE at all. The proceeds should be presented to a woman’s organization that will help and assist those in need whether it’s health or domestic abuse.

Maybe Women Rising, which the city council graciously had at their last meeting. Shouldn’t we be supporting these organizations? Or maybe even the food bank for those parents that can’t work and have children to feed and take care of.

Or even, donate some of the funds to the children of Ukraine. Wouldn’t that better suit human dignity and women?

I am totally embarrassed by the way the invitation noted to make the check payable to Jacqueline Weimmer candidate for council in the 2022 election.

Jackie, if you’re reading this it is very sad for all of the women who should be honored and recognized for all they do day in and day out for the city of BAYONNE. Shame on you!

Gail Godesky

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