The Hudson County Sheriff’s Office will implement extra street patrols between August 21 and September 7 to crack down on drunk driving as part of the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.Â
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
The added patrols come as part of a $5,000 education and enforcement grant received from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety.
“More than 10,000 people are killed in the United States each year in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Drunk driving is reckless and preventable,†Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari said in a statement.
“My officers will be out day and night to send a clear message – If you are caught driving impaired, you will be arrested.â€
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over is a national campaign designed to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving through high-visibility enforcement and public education tools including posters, banners and mobile video display signs.
The campaign was founded in 1999 and is launched on Labor Day Weekend because of the high number of driving while intoxicated (DWI) Arrests and DWI related motor vehicle crashes traditional seen during that time period.
The Sheriff’s office recommends using a designated driver or taking mass transportation if you will be consuming alcohol during the late summer holiday season, also suggesting residents get a ride home from a sober friend or cab – even if they planned on walking home – as a safety precaution.
In addition to the enforcement and education campaign, the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office will be operating a DWI Sobriety Check Point on Friday August 28th on Kennedy Blvd in Jersey City.
Mr. John Heinis are you familiar with the term ” POLICE STATE ” ?… This drinking story is all bull and propaganda my friend and you know it !… I have been thru 3 checkpoints awhile back and the cops wanted to ticket me for a broken seatbelt latch and a rear tail light and having a Radar Detector too !…I said is this a DWI checkpoint or a car inspection ?… Case closed. I avoid them now.
Now when are you going to do the story of your friend Pat Cullen selling out to Mayor Roque for a job ?…Also he took money from Roque to pay for his flyers doing the past elections. Tony Defino also took a job a WNY City Hall. You know all this stuff John. I’m waiting for your story on this. You had time for Silvio Acosta so add this to your agenda.
Yea, I am. Obviously a lot of people aren’t going to like the check points, but the entire country does them so I’d have to say it looks like a case of “it is what it is” even though I don’t like to use that phrase. They seem to be more prevalently advertised now though so avoiding them is an option.
Actually, those statements regarding West New York are a little off, but rest assured, I’m working on something. And c’mon, you’re an educated person at least when it comes to Hudson, you realize that Silvio Acosta is a little higher on the totem pole than people like Tony DeFino and Pat Cullen.
At no time have I ever accepted money from Mayor Roque or his campaign
“If you are caught driving impaired, you will be arrested.†No zhit Sherlock. What a God damn dopey comment. Check Point should be illegal. Nobody has to stop at one if they chose not to. Research it. This is another invention years ago to create more overtime for the untouchables in blue.
Off course illegal. Just like infallible drug dogs and field sobriety tests. Media whores are needed to keep society in ignorance, to keep racket going.