HoLa middle school students take home 7 medals at N.J. Science Olympiad


HoLa Hoboken Dual Language Charter School Middle School students took home seven medals at the New Jersey Science Olympiad, winning the state championship in “Experimental Design.”

Photo courtesy of the HoLa Hoboken Dual Language Charter School.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

Prior to their success at the state level, HoLa had to earn their spot by claiming fourth place at the Northeast regional contest, school officials said.

For taking home the top prize in “Experimental Design,” HoLa students devised and executed various experiments on-site, applying scientific methodology.

Additionally, HoLa secured a silver medal in the “Road Scholar” event, a competition that challenges students to interpret complex geographical data, such as maps and satellite images, to answer questions accurately.

Their final top 3 finish was a bronze medal winning effort when state, the HoLa “Codebusters” team showcased their adeptness at cryptanalysis, decoding encrypted messages using historical and modern ciphers—a skill rooted in both mathematics and computer science, including Spanish-language cryptography.

HoLa students’ fifth place finishers in “Roller Coaster” and “Anatomy & Physiology” events came after they displayed their understanding of physics and biology concepts.

Finally, their sixth place finishes in “Write It Do “It and “Air Trajectory” competitions highlighted their ability to communicate technical information effectively and apply principles of projectile motion.

Experimental Design
1st – Caroline Mueller Loane, Lyra Duta, & Eva Fernandez

Road Scholar
2nd – Zach Novosyolok & Caroline Mueller Loane

3rd – Vincent Deaton, Ian Lee, & Iria Viota Garcia

Roller Coaster
5th – Caroline Mueller Loane & Lyra Duta

Anatomy & Physiology
5th – Caroline Mueller Loane & Max Salinas

Write it Do it
6th – Iria Viota Garcia & Eva Fernandez

Air Trajectory
6th – Evani Pareek & Clover Jovais

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