Ex-WNY Commissioner Ruben Vargas hired as head of housing authority security


Former West New York Commissioner Ruben Vargas did not take long to find a new job after resigning two weeks ago, as he has began training to be the head of security for the town’s housing authority, West New York Housing Authority Executive Director Robert DiVincent exclusively told Hudson County View.

Facebook photo of Ruben Vargas
Facebook photo of Ruben Vargas

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“He is training this week and his responsibilities are to transfer my requests and orders to the security guards, as well as to make sure all the buildings are being safely watched,” DiVincent said over the phone.

He added that Vargas has just begun a 90-day probationary period, where he will be working a 6-hour shift between 6 p.m. and midnight, five days a week.

Additionally, DiVincent said Vargas will work a “floating schedule” that likely includes coming in one day during the weekend and having a day off during the week (i.e. working on Saturday and having off Sunday and Monday).

“This position doesn’t require a tremendous amount of skill, but it is still very important. He [Vargas] is responsible for having guards hand in security reports on a daily basis and will fill in to watch a building when necessary: he’s basically my eyes and ears for the housing authority buildings,” DiVincent added.

While DiVincent said that Vargas’ salary hasn’t been finalized yet, it will likely be in the range of $30,000 to $35,000 a year.

Vargas, a former commissioner of the Departments of Parks and Public Property and Public Works, was replaced yesterday by 27-year-old Cosmo Cirillo – the youngest commissioner in West New York history.

Vargas did not immediately return calls seeking comment and his voicemail was not set up, but this story will be updated in the event comment is given.

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  1. With all due respect, or not,what the hell is this excuse about time to spend with your family? That is the old tale tell :I might be working for the government ;Or I have been told to step down. If you left a part time job to spend more time with your family? How in the hell does a full time job with nighttime hours give you more time to spend with them?Time for real change in W.N.Y.NEW FACES, NEW PEOPLE, NEW DIRECTION. no more same old same old.

  2. Congratulations on your new position, however, what do you know about security?
    Who appointed you to the position? Do you know the responsibility you have to protect
    the residents and the property? I guess the administration is Not aware or turning a blind eye to the legal liability? it takes years to become an experience Police Officer, imagine a Security
    Director. Best of luck to the residents, Board of Education and the WNY administration.


  3. Triple dipper Vargas , knows where the bones are buried 1 $40,000 at the housing at night 2. $ 40,000 at the parking authority during the day 3. On the payroll at the north Hudson sewer authority as a commissioner, no High School Diploma