West New York parents target board of education administrators in latest protest


West New York parents held another protest in front of town hall, pleading to get a new bus route for students – this time holding up signs listing the names and salaries of the top administrators at the board of education, including Superintendent of Schools John Fauta.

Fauta explained to Hudson County View that he met with parents yesterday to hear their concerns, but reiterated what he told us last week – that the negatives that come along with adding a new bus route far outweigh the positives.

He declined to comment on administrators salaries being brought into the issue.

Carlos “Chucky” Betancourt, a 2015 mayoral candidate who has spearheaded the issue, continued to take Fauta to task on the matter.

While the protests this week have taken place outside of town hall, West New York Spokesman Pablo Fonseca repeated over and over that this was a board of education issue that the mayor has no say in.

Parents have recently expressed their outrage a new bus route for students that have been transferred from Harry L. Bain Elementary School to St. Joseph of the Palisades Elementary School.

School starts on Friday and parents are invited to attend an open house at St. Joes on Saturday.

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  1. Roque spokesperson Fonseca’s boiler plate answer here belies his comments made the day before at a board of education conference room with Dr. Fauta, Commissioner Wiley, and Chuck Betancourt in attendence, in which he displayed more a more conciliatory and collaborative tone. Furthermore, he curiously omits the town’s legal responsibilities to provide ALL waterfront students with bus transportation to school which, when this redeveloper agreement was signed by Mayor Sires and Roseland in 1996, would also soon grant the waterfront 30 year tax abatements THAT PAY NO SCHOOL TAXES. It is ironic that school board candidates Leung and Song pay no school taxes, yet will not suggest that they forego waterfront school bus service as a good gesture to the hard working full tax rate and/or renters of full tax rateables who could use a timely loan of toen bus services from their tax abated, upscale waterfront neigjbors.

    Patrick Cullen,
    2 year candidate,
    ENY Bd of Education, with Myrli Sanchez, 3 year candidate.