West New York BOE hopeful slams Children First candidate over old tweets


West New York Board of Education candidate John Smith went after one of his opponents in the November 8 election over old tweets using profane language and advocating for marijuana use.


An employee of the town’s parks and public property department, Smith began by stating his outspoken nature is needed on the current nine-person board.

When asked what he thinks needs to be improved in the school district, he said that the special needs activities and programs are still lacking, based on the experience he had with his 22-year-old son who has ADHD and graduated from Toms River High School.

Smith added that funding is still a huge problem in West New York, therefore the board needs to give more serious thought when contracting vendors.

The independent candidate also took aim at Superintendent of Schools Clara Brito Herrera, who supported the Children First ticket at a fundraiser last week, exclaiming that politics are still too prevalent in the school board.

Indicating that he respects all other candidates, Smith says that voting for the Children First slate as the teachers’ contract negotiations continue could be a slippery slope.

Smith also asked for an apology from Children First member Jose Alcantara over tweets he wrote several years ago using profane language and advocating for marijuana use, stating that if he had posted similar material on social media, town leaders would have called on him to withdraw his candidacy.

Children First spokesman Pablo Fonseca responded over the phone, stating “this was a young man at a certain time of his life, that’s way in the past.”

“He is an example of what all parents wished their kids grew up to be today: well-educated, studying to get a master’s degree, [has] a good job, we all want our children to succeed. He’s a role model for children, [showing] that you can go through tough times, adversity and still be successful.”

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  1. In one of his tweets Jose Alcantara admits to cheating on a college Exam..

    Why have Drug Free School Zones when a Drug user and Dealer os running the Schools?

    God Help the Children more now in WNY.

    Only in WNY 🙁

  2. With regards to the tweets, whether old or new, Does the town have a social media policy for its employees? Or is that as selective as the raises that are doled out and the disciplines and reprimands that are handed down to employees who are not favored by the administration?

    Let me guess? “This is a personnel matter and we can’t comment on that.”

  3. Does John Smith have a high school diploma ? Is this guy really running for school board ? Only in WNY can this guy get signatures to run for office. Everyone should come out to vote and choose the candidates that are best for the children.

    Where are Munoz and Chang these days, they got bought off Chang teaching in Hoboken and Munoz in North Hudson. So call activist get bought off everyday. welcome to HUDSON !

  4. Seems to me that John Cares and spends his time trying to fix things for the kids when no one else is giving there time to do it instead of making fun get out and help make it better that is the problem people try to make a difference and are shot down because of appearance he is a caring person and is giving his time to make changes happen