Weehawken declares state of emergency, adds to list of places imposing 10 p.m. curfew


Weehawken has declared a state of emergency and is the third municipality in Hudson County to impost a 10 p.m. curfew with coronavirus cases on the upswing.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“The Township has imposed a 10:00 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew for Weehawken Township. This curfew includes all bars and restaurants, which must have all patrons gone from their establishment by 10:00 p.m. sharp,” Mayor Richard Turner and Township Manager Gio Ahmad said in a joint statement.

“Residents are required to stay in their homes at this time, barring emergencies and exempting those reporting or returning from work. This curfew will go into effect Monday, March 16th, 2020, at 10:00 p.m. until further notice.”

Other changes include daycares being closed from Tuesday, March 17th through at least Friday March 27th – with the library and municipal court being closed through the same date (as well as senior and recreation activities being cancelled).

Additionally, the waterfront park is closed as of 7 p.m. this evening until further notice, withe parking authority extending permits about to expire for 30 days.

Hoboken was the first city in the country to implement a 10 p.m. citywide curfew yesterday and Union City followed suit today.

There are currently 11 cases confirmed in Hudson, according to the New Jersey Department of Health as of about 5 p.m. this evening.

Thus far, eight cases have been announced publicly: three in Hoboken, three in Jersey City, and two in West New York.

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