Water restoration, with limited pressure, throughout the city is expected by about 5 p.m. this evening.
A water boil advisory is in effect in Hoboken after a massive main break occurred this morning near Newark Avenue and Harrison Street, near the Jersey City border, SUEZ Water North Jersey said earlier today.
“A precautionary boil water advisory has been issued today for residents throughout the City of Hoboken as a result of a main break on a central transmission line,” SUEZ Water North Jersey wrote on their Facebook page.
“Hoboken residents should boil their water for at least one minute for the following: drinking, cooking, or baking, making ice cubes, taking medication, brushing teeth, washing food, mixing baby formula or food, mixing juices or drinks, feeding pets, and all other consumption.”
They add that water does not have to be boiled for showering, washing dishes or doing laundry and that emergency personnel are continuing to investigate the break.
The water main break has left the surrounding blocks near Newark Avenue and Harrison Street, such as Jackson Street, completely flooded
The city advises to continue boiling water until further notice, also recommending drivers to exit Hoboken through the northern end today and tomorrow – when full pressure restoration is expected.
The incident occurred at approximately 9 a.m. this morning and Mayor Dawn Zimmer tweeted that “hopefully” water will be restored in the next several hours, also thanking Jersey City and Hudson County for sending water tankers.
Hoboken residents in need of fresh water can bring containers to 76 Bloomfield Street, 310 Jackson Street, 311 13th Street and City Hall (94 Washington Street).