Ramirez touts N.J. funding for RTC, Venus Xtravaganza House, & Hudson SPEAKS


Assemblywoman Jessica Ramirez (D-32) is touting state funding for Jersey City’s right-to-counsel program, Garden State Equality’s Venus Extravaganza House, and Hudson SPEAKS.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

$400,000 will be allocated to implement the Jersey City’s RTC program. Enacted in 2023, the program will provide free legal assistance to low-income tenants in Jersey City facing eviction.

While the program is set to receive funding in 2025, proponents argue that these services are needed sooner. Ramirez partnered with Jersey City Ward E Councilman James Solomon to secure the funding.

“I am thrilled that thanks to Assemblywoman Jessica Ramirez and the entire Jersey City delegation, we have secured $400,000 this year for the launch of our city’s right-to-counsel program – among the strongest laws of its kind in the country,” Solomon said in a statement.

“I’ve fought for housing justice for years, and Asw. Ramirez has been a critical ally in that fight since her election. I look forward to continuing that work together and delivering for the people of Jersey City.”

Another $400,000 will go towards restoring and maintaining Garden State Equality’s Venus Xtravaganza House, which will provide housing and community space for LGBTQ+ youth in Jersey City.

“Housing is a top concern for my constituents, and it is a multi-faceted issue that requires multi-faceted solutions. Having a roof over your head is a basic human right, and these funds will help level the playing field for our low-income residents and LGBTQ+ youth facing homelessness,” noted Ramirez.

Around 40 percent of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ+, underscoring the need for shelter that is specifically designated for this population.

“Trans women of color endure unimaginable violence, staggering rates of unemployment, and pervasive housing discrimination,” stated GSE Executive Director Christian Fuscarino.

“Assemblywoman Ramirez is taking decisive action by committing a historical level of funding to support Hudson County residents facing these challenges. The Venus Xtravaganza House project, fueled by Senator Raj Mukherji and Assemblywoman Ramirez’s dedication, aims to uplift the local LGBTQ+ community through an array of comprehensive resources and services.”

Additionally, $76,000 will go to Hudson County’s sexual violence resource Hudson S.P.E.A.K.S. for their Bolo Behen Project, which provides shelter and culturally specific resources for South Asian women facing domestic and sexual violence.

As an attorney who specializes in seeking justice for survivors of sexual violence, Ramirez said this allocation in the state budget was particularly crucial.

“For too long, survivors of sexual and domestic violence have fallen through the cracks in our justice system. Supporting survivors must be a priority,” Ramirez added.

Bishnu Pariyar, the Program Director for Hudson S.P.E.A.K.S., weighed in on why this funding is so important.

“Domestic and sexual violence present unique challenges in the South Asian community. Victims who are mostly women and girls cannot report due to social stigma and structural inequality that discourage South Asian survivors and victims,” she said.

“Bolo Behen (Speak Sister) creates a safe space for victims with a full range of culturally sensitive and language-specific information, support services and advocacy. This funding is very crucial to give hope and healing for South Asian survivors of sexual and domestic violence.”

Ramirez noted that this funding would not be possible without the partnership of her colleagues in the state legislature.

“I worked very closely with Senator Raj Mukherji on these budget requests, and I am so thankful for his support and collaboration. In addition, the inclusion of this funding would not be possible without the support of Assembly Speaker Coughlin and Senate President Scutari,” the assemblywoman noted.

“A state’s budget is reflective of that state’s values, and I am grateful to work in a state legislature that prioritizes housing, safety for the LGBTQ+ community, and survivors of gender-based violence.”

The 32nd Legislative District faired well in this budget cycle, receiving $23,676,000 from this year’s state spending plan, as Assemblyman John Allen (D-32) noted last week.

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