LETTER: Vote for Rep. Menendez on June 4: ‘His record speaks for itself’


In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Jennifer Delgado explains why she will be voting for U.S. Rep. Rob Menendez (D-8) in the June 4th primary.

Dear Editor,

I have called the 8th Congressional District my home for almost twenty years. I have also known Congressman Rob Menendez Jr. for more than a decade.

I recently had the pleasure of attending a town hall, where Rob discussed a variety of important topics. Many of his remarks resonated with me, but one really struck a chord.

He lamented that not enough Congressional representatives are focused on the “singles and doubles” (a perfect reference for an audience in Hoboken, the birthplace of baseball).

There’s not enough press in those wins, so those driven to public office for the wrong reasons don’t spend enough time chasing them.

But the “singles and doubles” — like addressing more than 1500 constituent cases in less than two years — are what drive him, along with hard work and genuine interest in making a difference in his constituents’ lives.

Rob and I worked together for more than eleven years. As a lawyer in private practice at the most prestigious law firm in the state, Rob exhibited the same qualities he has shown in his freshman term.

He’s a hard worker and someone who cares deeply about his constituents, colleagues, and loved ones. He keeps his head down, he’s not afraid to burn the midnight oil, and he genuinely likes helping people.

He’s in it for the singles and the doubles, and his record in the short time he has been in office is impressive.

I encourage you to visit Rob’s campaign website, which provides further detail about his many accomplishments in his first term of office. His record speaks for itself, and makes me proud to have him representing the 8th Congressional District.


Jennifer Delgado, Hoboken resident

P.S. Remember to return your mail-in ballots!

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  1. Should the we judge the son by the fathers’s actions ?
    If yes should we then judge Hoboken Councilman Michael Russo by the actions and convictions of his father former Hoboken Mayor Anthony Russo as he revs up his campaign to fill his to be mayor ?
    Or do they have enough of their own records good or bad after being riding their father’s political base into office for the voters to judge.

  2. The singles and doubles comment highlights the difference between Rob and Ravi. Ravi is completely disinterested in any aspect of governing that he can’t take public credit for. He thinks his job is to do the grandstanding (and virtue signalling) while the little people who work for him do all the actual work.

    • The people who work for him, work for him, NOT US which is not their role.
      They are City employees, not Ravi employees.
      Afterall, they want their 401K funded….

  3. This whole thing is laughable…from the election, to the article, to the comments. I also live in the 8th, as if that mattered anymore. Can’t say the same for these fakers leaving comments.