Hudson County View

LETTER: Hoboken 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino deserves to be re-elected

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Cheryl Fallick explains why 6th Ward Councilwoman Jen Giattino deserves to be re-elected.

Dear Editor,

The residents of Hoboken’s 6th Ward, me included, breathed a collective sigh of relief in early August when Councilwoman Jen Giattino announced that she would be seeking re-election for a 4th term as our 6th ward council representative on Hoboken’s city council.

I recently attended Jen’s re-election bid kick-off where the space overflowed onto the street with supporters and well-wishers. That level of respect is well-earned after years of dedication to the residents of not only our ward, but the city as a whole.

Never one to grab a headline, at the event, Giattino finally dedicated part of her remarks to providing us with a long (but hardly exhaustive) list of accomplishments and actions in which she has been involved throughout her tenure on the council to date.

As part of the legislative branch of government, Councilwoman Giattino has always been the quintessential problem solver. Include her in any discussion and a solution or, at minimum, positive steps towards a solution to any issue or problem is assured.

As a long-time resident and 6th ward constituent, it is without reservation that I encourage my friends and neighbors in the 6th ward to cast their vote for this knowledgeable, determined, compassionate and creative representative whose work ethic and character are unparalleled.

In addition to regularly tackling quality-of-life issues for residents, we can count on Jen to always demand financial transparency from the administration and candid honesty in her dealings with the public.

Jen represents the entire community and puts our local needs first.

Whether she’s checking in on a senior after an inclement weather incident, explaining rent protections to a tenant or responsibilities to a landlord or providing input to a business owner on the best ways to comply with a newly passed ordinance, Jen’s responsiveness is emblematic of what it means to be a true public servant.

Perhaps the quality that all of us find most impressive about Jen is her willingness to serve any and every resident who reaches out to her with an issue, problem, or concern.

This characteristic is rare in Hoboken these days and in our current political climate where all too often responsiveness is dependent on previous political support.

Never one to ignore or dismiss, we’ve been lucky to have such a responsive representative for the last 3 terms. Let’s make it 4!

On Election Day, November 7th or during early voting, I urge my neighbors in the 6th ward to join me in supporting our incumbent councilperson and ‘vote Jen Again.’

Cheryl Fallick
Hoboken resident

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