Hudson County View

LETTER: ‘Either address the needs of [Hoboken] or step aside so someone else can’

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken 1st Ward council candidate Paul Presinzano reacts to former Mayor Dawn Zimmer calling out Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop and her successor Ravi Bhalla about the progress of Rebuild by Design.

Paul Presinzano. Screenshot via YouTube.

Dear Editor,

It should not come as a surprise to anyone. Hoboken’s community is yet again a sacrificial lamb. Mayor Zimmers’s critique of her hand-picked successor is what many have been saying for some time now.

Ribbon cutting and headline grabs are the status quo, while the citizens are duped with a smoke screen, and the Mayors Agenda is quietly perused.

First, it was the bowing down to the Mayor of Union City when it came to the height of a building in the northwest.

Now, it appears Rebuild by Design has been held up due to the Mayor of Jersey City and Mayor Bhalla’s political aspirations. What’s next?

The Mayor of Weehawken forces Hoboken to house NY Waterway forever? I firmly believe that when someone runs for office, their first concern must be the residents of their town, and everything else is second.

Good leaders should strive for higher office. However, an elected official must put their constituents first and make sure their needs are taken care of.

In Hoboken, we have a rat crisis, flooding issues, and infrastructure needing an upgrade while leadership looks to jump ship. It’s time we, Hoboken, demand more from our elected officials. They answer to us, not the other way around.

We have an opportunity to send a strong message in the election on Tuesday: either address the needs of our city, or step aside so someone else can.

Paul Presinzano
Hoboken 1st Ward council candidate

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