LETTER: Bhalla is ‘the ideal candidate for Congress,’ Hoboken councilwoman says


In a letter to the editor, Hoboken Councilwoman-at-Large Emily Jabbour states her case why Mayor Ravi Bhalla is “the ideal candidate for Congress.”

Hoboken Councilwoman-at-Large Emily Jabbour and Mayor Ravi Bhalla. Photo courtesy of Jabbour.

Dear Editor,

I have worked closely with Mayor Ravi Bhalla for the past seven years. So it is with confidence and conviction that I offer my endorsement of Mayor Bhalla to be our next Congressional Representative for the 8th District.

Hoboken is a success story and has become an example of how a community can implement practical and impactful changes. Ravi led Hoboken through the COVID-19 pandemic – and made difficult decisions that put public health first, which the rest of the state then followed.

I am proud of the work Ravi and I have done together.

From taking action on climate change to responsible budgets, to expanding affordable housing and developing a city-sponsored social work program, Ravi and I have found ways to keep our community moving forward.

Since winning the election for Hoboken Mayor in 2017, Ravi has been subject to constant challenge from a City Council majority that often seems more focused on personal and political vendettas than doing what is best for Hoboken.

Ravi has been able to move Hoboken forward with innovative ideas and progressive values, and because of these successes and effective leadership, he even ran uncontested for Hoboken Mayor in 2021.

Now more than ever we need a representative in Congress with the ability to implement real, practical, and impactful changes in the face of challenge and dysfunction.

I urge 8th Congressional District voters to join me in supporting Ravi Bhalla for Congress. Ravi’s work ethic and people-centered approach to government make him the ideal candidate for Congress.

Together, we can ensure that our district’s voice is heard loud and clear in shaping policies that benefit not just Hoboken, but also communities across the country.

Emily Jabbour
Hoboken Councilwoman-at-Large

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  1. Yes he’s ideal because he said he’s bringing a gun buyback program that will take almost no guns off the streets and throws in that maybe someday he’ll add the requested teen programming. The time to do that was 2 years ago. Emily and the rest leave town every summer so what do you care? You want to keep the kids in the public housing to one corner of town. That’s why Hoboken’s summer rec has only 2 programs this summer for teens. Getting gear or admit you don’t care about the underserved the way other officials do