The Jersey City Young Democrats have started a petition to have the New Jersey brewery restrictions repealed after being implemented by the New Jersey Division of Alcohol and Beverage Control last month.
By John Heinis/Hudson County View
“New regulations include eliminating discounts for first responders and military, limiting events on-site to 25 a year, 52 private parties a year, mandating virtual or in-person tours before serving alcohol, disallowing food service and coordinating with food trucks, and prohibiting serving coffee,” the new petition says.
“These new regulations will affect profits for these small businesses! Sign this petition to repeal the new regulations announced by the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control!!”
Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (D-33) was joined by several Jersey City Council members at 902 Brewing Co. for a press conference last month calling for the aforementioned restrictions to be repealed.
“And just as their on the heels of recovery from the pandemic and getting into the swing of things, to promulgate this regulation creates artificial barriers to the success and the economic recovery of these innovators and these small businesses doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me,” Mukherji said at the time.
He vowed to introduce legislation to rollback the restrictions in the event that the state ABC decided not to do so on their own.