Hoboken Councilman Ruben Ramos touts Southwest Fest as ‘a huge success’


Hoboken 4th Ward Councilman Ruben Ramos is touting Sunday’s Southwest Fest as “a huge success,” highlighting that over 1,000 people came out despite the heat.

Hoboken 4th Ward Councilman Ruben Ramos. Instagram photo.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“The festival was a huge success and accomplished its intended goal of bringing the community together,” Ramos said in a statement.

“We have already started planning for next year’s Southwest Fest and hope to make it bigger and better every year, with more rides, food and performances.”

With the help of the Hoboken Business Alliance, What Hoboken Sounds Like, the Hoboken Housing Authority and a multitude of volunteers, and non-profit organizations, the festival saw attendees from all walks of life and all wards of Hoboken.

There was a steady flow of visitors from the opening at noon until the last musical performance at 5 p.m.

All the food, ice cream, water, music, mechanical bull, rides, and carnival games were possible because of the generous support of our sponsors.

Additionally, the Southwest Fest was able to raise over $40,000 for the community to enjoy everything free of charge.

Council President Jen Giattino, 1st Ward Councilman Paul Presinzano, 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, 3rd Ward Councilman Mike Russo, Councilwoman-at-Large Emily Jabbour, as well as Councilmen-at-Large Jim Doyle and Joe Quintero, were among the sponsors.

And attendees were enjoying the dunk tank as well, with U.S. Rob Menendez (D-8) dunking Ramos several times.

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  1. Ruben Ramos has been always on top when it comes to events for our ward. He has always made sure that we get the same treatment as other events. He has gone above and beyond for our ward and community.

    • The Ramos family has based their political power in the 4th Ward HHA and leveraging his Hispanic ethnicity.
      He is basically unknown to Hoboken residents outside that circle.
      It will be interesting to watch as Ruben makes another run to be mayor pitted against Michael Russo and Ravi Bhalla.

  2. Nice to see millionaires Bhalla and Cohen NOt sponsor or contribute like ALL other council members… Oh that’s right Politics over People… especially in their hearts ” The peoople back there”

  3. Our next Mayor needs to have a backbone and some integrity. Bhalla, and those who have blindly followed him, need to step aside. Ruben may not have been ready 10 years ago – but this could be his time. The people of this city like and trust him – that should count for something….

  4. Please let’s get someone who actually cares about the middle class in this city. And also someone who knows this is a city and not a mommyland, pickleball sports complex or suburb on the Hudson

    Enough with the pearl clutching NIMBY’s who hate affordable housing, multifamily apartment buildings, stores, cars, citibikes and music in people’s yards.

    If you don’t like city life, public high schools, noise, brown people, poor people, middle class people or anything bigger than a brownstone MOVE to SUMMIT!

    Hoboken Suburbs is what you get with Bhalla-Jabbour-Cohen-Doyle

    • Darn those NIMBY’s who actually pay for all the free stuff that the project dwellers seem to constantly demand.
      Their usual race baiting is tiresome and turns people off.
      At least no new murders in the HHA this week.

    • Fine with all of the above – but do we need so MUCH of it? This was a lovely, manageable city of 45k people; at 65k and counting, not so much. We have traded quality, urban life for a series of photo ops and press releases, before we had our infrastructure in place.

      • Hoboken does better when it is populated with affluent residents who can afford to pay their taxes etc. The problem started when some politicians pandered to those who can not . The economic structure only works when revenues are greater than expenditures.

        • Lol. Have you looked around in Hoboken? People here are loaded, and nobody fights harder to cut costs in the town with the lowest tax rate in the county than the extremely affluent voter base.