At Latino Caucus rally, Hudson County exec hopeful Guy pushes for big voter turnout


At a Latino Caucus rally, Hudson County executive hopeful Craig Guy and other members of the local Democratic party pushed for a big voter turnout in the primary.

By John Heinis/Hudson County View

“This is my last year, but I have to be supportive and I am so happy to be supportive of this Guy, this Guy right here. You have to come out [and vote], we can’t complain if we don’t show up, right?” began outgoing Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro (D-33) at The Factory in Jersey City.

“We have a friend in Craig Guy. He’s been showing up every day to show us how important your vote is. We have to show them how the Latinos do.”

While she is not seeking re-election, she expressed enthusiasm for another Latina likely to succeed her in the legislature, Jessica Ramirez, who is running for state Assembly in the new 32nd Legislative District along with John Allen.

Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (D-32), who is running for the new state Senate seat, is at the top of the ticket and he also came out to endorse Guy and commend Chaparro for her service, as did Assemblyman William Sampson (D-31).

” … If you want a governor to come out of Hudson County and if you want Hudson County to bring back real resources, we need our numbers to be high. We need Craig Guy’s numbers to be high,” Sampson stated.

“We want to be a force for every county to know that Hudson is nothing to mess with. I’m serious people, we hear this all the time, and you hear it all the time … if you want those resources, and you want that money, they are looking, everybody throughout the state is looking at this election.”

Hudson County Register Jeff Dublin also said this was a big opportunity to send a message that Hudson County is strong and united, with him and Hudson County Commissioner Bill O’Dea (D-2) asking for everyone in hand to call, text, and knock on neighbors doors to bolster voter turnout.

“This represents Hudson County on this stage now and we need to go vote for them, work for them, this weekend, Tuesday: it’s on us to get it done for them so they can do the job we need them to do for our community,” said U.S. Rep. Rob Menendez (D-8) before introducing Guy.

The chief of staff to retiring Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, Guy emphasized that every vote counts, pointing out that a Trenton councilman lost by a single vote back in November.

He also echoed Sampson’s sentiment in that low voter turnout would put Hudson County in the back of the line when it comes to state allocations.

“If we, Hudson County, Jersey City, lay down and don’t put up a solid number to reflect the strength in Hudson County, well guess what folks, other counties in the state come before Hudson County and they come before Hudson County for the funding that we need for all out folks in Hudson County,” Guy said.

“Whether it’s education, whether it’s childcare, whether it’s for public safety: folks every vote counts, every vote.”

Early voting is underway today through 8 p.m., tomorrow from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m., and finally on Sunday from 10 a.m. through 6 p.m. Voting locations can be found here.

Other dignitaries at the event included Jersey City Councilman-at-Large Daniel Rivera, who served as the emcee, Assemblywoman Angela McKnight (D-31), Hudson County Commissioner Chair Anthony Romano (D-5), Hudson County Commissioner Yraida Aponte-Lipski, Jersey City Councilwoman-at-Large Amy DeGise, JCDO chair and LD-31 Assembly candidate Barbara McCann, LD-27 Assembly candidate Alixon Collazos-Gill, and Hudson County Clerk E. Junior Maldonado, among others.

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