Hudson County View

Prieto, Fulop, Davis gush over McKnight & Chiaravalloti crushing the competition in LD-31

A photo of members of the Hudson County Democratic Organization, including Nicholas Chiaravalloti and Angela McKnight (right) from the Democratic primary victory party on June 2.

Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-32), Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop and Bayonne Mayor Jimmy Davis were ecstatic over District 31 Assembly candidates Angela McKnight and Nicholas Chiaravalloti decimating the competition in the Democratic primary election last night. 


Prieto, also the Hudson County Democratic Organization chairman, summed up his thoughts in two simple points: the HCDO is the strongest it has been in 20 years and McKnight and Chiaravalloti “kicked some ass” by blowing out the competition by a 4-to-1 margin.

Davis, who defeated Mark Smith for the mayor’s seat about one year ago, expressed his excitement for being able to unite Bayonne and Jersey City for this Assembly race.

Fulop one-upped Prieto by proclaiming the HCDO the strongest it has been in 25 years, noting dissension from within the party in recent decades no longer exists.

Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, who ran unopposed after receiving the endorsement of all 12 Hudson County mayors, upped the ante again by saying the HCDO is as powerful as it has been in 30 years, hinting that the party would play a major role in the 2017 gubernatorial race.

Finally, the crowd heard how McKnight and Chiaravalloti felt about their definitive victory.

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