Hudson County View

LETTER: Hoboken Dem Committee chooses to politicize upcoming BOE race

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident and lifelong Democrat Barry Grossman explains why he feels the local Democratic committee has chosen to politicize upcoming board of education race.

Screenshot via YouTube.

Dear Editor,

The HDC Executive Committee, under the leadership of Rachel Hodes, Phil Cohen, Eileen Carvalho, and Joe Quintero should know better – BOE elections are about LOCAL issues, not necessarily NATIONAL issues.

The fact Mrs. Hodes, Mr. Cohen and others on the Hoboken Democratic Committee chose to bring up Republican rhetoric in fact has them involved in the BOE campaign!

Many of us working with “Kids First” Hoboken, who also worked during the earlier effort to defeat the BOE January Budget Referendum, do not care about party affiliation.

The January effort was a “tri-partisan” effort which brought together Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

We deeply care about Hoboken – the quality of education, transparency, accountability and keeping the town as affordable as possible.

Looking toward the November vote:

Education decisions are driven on the STATE and LOCAL level.

Don’t be fooled by the nonsense being thrown out by the Hoboken Democratic Committee – trying to tie the local elections to NATIONAL conservative efforts.

I strongly support Pavel, Cindy and Donna for the Board of Education. They truly have the needs of all of Hoboken’s kids first.

Barry Grossman
Hoboken 5th Ward resident

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