LETTER: ‘President Joe Biden must resign from office’ after disastrous debate


In a letter to the editor, West New York resident Patrick Cullen gives his take on why President Joe Biden (D) must step down after last night’s disastrous debate against former President Donald Trump (R).

Screenshot via YouTube.

Dear Editor,

President Joseph Biden must resign from office. His debate performance last night was the worst performance of any presidential candidate in the history of televised presidential debates.

There is no doubt in my mind that his inner circle has been privately grappling with the steady decrease in Mr. Biden’s ability to function.

Now that the world knows that our President is not fit to serve, Vice President Harris must fulfill her constitutional duties under the 25th Amendment, if President Biden cannot be convinced otherwise.

President Woodrow Wilson’s wife acted (in effect) as the de facto president after her husband suffered a debilitating stroke. These are much different and more demanding times that we live in. Our President must be up for the job.

The November election is without a doubt the most important election in the lifetime of anyone on the planet alive today.

If Mr. Biden is the Democratic nominee in the November election, he will certainly lose to his predecessor.

Patrick Cullen
2020 Alternate District Delegate for Joe Biden

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  1. Joe Biden is sharp and at his best! Weren’t we told this across the board by our wondrous corporate media? They said any doubt expressed about the dementia apparent to almost anyone sane was a “Deep Fake.” So did the Biden-Obama WH.

    Who’s been running the country? It’s not been Joe Biden.

    When can we expect the Plan B Biden Abortion pill to be administered?

  2. Kamala Harris must invoke the 25th Amendment. The “Deep Fakes” scam is over and the whole world saw it. Jill Biden won’t surrender perks and power so invoke the 25th. All Americans must do what’s right for the country.

  3. The bar for President Biden in the debate was lowered to point if he could remain standing and not soil himself he would be declared the winner by the Democrats.
    OK he had a very, very bad performance, mumbled a lot and was confused and Nurse Jill had to slowly take him by the hand to leave the stage but he remained upright and best we could tell he didn’t soil himself.

  4. In March of 1987, Charlton Heston was guest host of Saturday Night Live. In one skit “The President has mustard on his cheek,” Heston, who played the President, had just finished having a hot dog with mustard before going on National tv to make an address. Though he very clearly had mustard on his face, non of his staffers had the presence of mind to tell him he had mustard on his face, so he went on National tv with mustard on his face.

    President Biden’s Inner Circle has seen the acceleration of his cognitive decline. The Public has seen it, too. It is short-sighted and dangerous for his Key People to to try and humor him and bs his supporters, and frankly all Americans, for that matter, that there isn’t a very serious problem, here. While I will vote for Mr. Biden if he remains the Democratic nominee, it is arrogant and very presumptuous of his WH staff who coddle him that, by doing so, puts our Country at risk. It is equally arrogant and very presumptuous of his political handlers to expect that a majority of moderates and independents will vote for him. If we don’t want medical doctors with significant cognitive decline operating on us, or teachers with significant cognitive decline teaching our children, than we certainly do not want having our President serving our Country with significant cognitive decline.

  5. I totally agree. He has served us well but must do the needful and step aside now. Who can replace him? I am willing to help find someone. Please call me.

  6. Sure President Biden showed clearly he should be replace after yet another embarrassing performance but VP Kamala Harris isn’t going to allow any substitutions at this point as she has zero chance of becoming the first DEI president of the United States if Biden does not die or resign in office.

    Democratic Party having an emergency damage control meetings today to keep members from jumping ship.

  7. Joe Biden won every state in this year’s Primary Election. 87% of the vote and nearly 4000 committed delegates. So after one bad debate on his part, Democrats want to vote him out at the convention and disenfranchise over fourteen million voters who voted for him? Doesn’t sound like election integrity to me.

    • When you are not running against anyone who is more than a Party place holder you almost certainly win.
      Keeping candidates off the ballot like Kennedy to clear the field for Biden does not sound like election integrity either.
      But grasping at straws works for some people.

  8. Would be awesome if Grandpa Joe takes down the entire Democrat machine. Progressive liberal Democrats are unfit for any elected or unelected role in public service, in any capacity, and in any level, even that of an assistant night shift janitor at the local DMV.