Hudson County View

LETTER: Vote for the ‘Kids First’ Hoboken BOE slate to have checks and balances

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Ian Rintel explains why he feels supporting the “Kids First” board of education slate will add checks and balances to the board.

The Kids First Hoboken Board of Education slate, from left to right: Donna Magen, Pavel Sokolov, and Cindy Wiegand. Photo courtesy of the Kids First campaign.

Dear Editor,

January 25th proves one thing to all Hoboken residents: Those who serve on our school board are very important. Nearly nine months after the school referendum failed, I still can’t wrap my head around the process, the design and the neglect for academics.

Hoboken residents are owed an apology for the way the school board hid the referendum from the public until the last possible moment. An earlier announcement may have even changed the outcome of our city council election!

Thankfully the referendum failed by 2-1, even with the school board sneaking it onto the ballot for an unusual January 25th vote.

We need a new school board. On November 8th, I ask all Hoboken residents to

1) Vote in the school board election.

2) Vote for Pavel Sokolov, Cindy Wiegand and Donna Magen, a slate calling themselves most appropriately, Kids First.

Their ballot positions are 6, 7 and 8.

I asked all eight candidates individually to meet me for coffee, everyone deserves a voice and as I promised to endorse relatively early, I wanted to speak to everyone if possible. Aside from Pavel, Cindy and Donna, only Leslie Norwood chose to meet me.

Leslie is a fine active parent and I hope she’ll remain involved. However, I do not believe she would oppose other trustees when they make bad decisions.

She is part of a slate that represents the status quo, with the only incumbent trustee and the other candidate that was the leader of the group that supported the referendum passing.

The name of their slate is exactly the opposite of how our board of education has functioned, and is a slap in the face to Hoboken residents!

There are eight candidates, including two independent candidates, running for school board this November, more choices than any recent school board election. The many choices gives me hope that more residents will vote in this election.

Running for office is difficult and while there are only three candidates I’m endorsing today, I thank all candidates and hope they stay involved.

Join me in voting for Kids First candidates Pavel Sokolov, Cindy Wiegand and Donna Magen, ballot positions are 6, 7 and 8.

Ian Rintel
Hoboken resident

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