Hudson County View

LETTER: Support Hoboken 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher for re-election

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Bonnie Murray explains why 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, who she ran against in 2015, deserves to be re-elected.

Dear Editor,

Hoboken fellow 2nd ward residents and Maxwell community neighbors: It’s that time of year again. Let’s be civil to each other, but be proud of who we believe in and hope for a clean election this Fall.

Many years ago I ran as an Independent candidate for 2nd ward City council. While I did not win, I couldn’t have lost to a better person – Tiffanie Fisher.

She is transparent, involved, committed and that shows up every day.

At the Maxwell Harvest Fest event two years ago when we had a problem with the state official concerned about jumpy castles we were using and over 100 kids coming in one hour to enjoy them, she ran right over to our community to see what she could do to help.

She didn’t have to, but she did.

She continues her commitment to us everyday by fighting for what our ward needs.

A better, more connected waterfront, pushing back on the current administration around bad deals they struck with NY Waterway, keeping her eye on 2nd ward infrastructure improvements that must be made.

I am happy that she supported the removal of e-scooters and e-bikes from riding on sidewalks in our small, congested town.

She also sponsored the law that makes riding on sidewalks with an e-bike/e-scooter illegal so that we have a safer place to walk in our Mile Square City.

Now more than ever as we’ve seen inflation rise and money in our pocket lessen, I know I can rely on Tiffanie at the city council table to be the fiscal watchdog she’s been the last 8 years in her role.

She continues to fight the mayor’s 25% tax increases we’ve experienced the past 8 years, bringing the increase down to 14% and saving Hoboken taxpayers $7M annually.

She’s been deeply involved and committed to improving the high school as well, which I have not seen other candidates support as much as Tiffanie has the last few years.

Her character is warm-hearted, approachable and very open to hearing resident concerns and she’ll advocate on your behalf as she has mine in city council meetings.

I encourage you to re elect Tiffanie Fisher as our 2nd ward Councilwoman on November 7th. She’s made a difference in our 2nd ward, has an 8 year history in the role, a deep knowledge of the problems and a fierce desire to make our community the best it can be.

Please vote 1E on Nov. 7th!

Bonnie Murray
Hoboken 2nd Ward resident

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