Hudson County View

LETTER: Re-elect Hoboken Councilwoman Fisher to help keep ‘democracy alive’

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Carl Krishen gives his take why re-electing 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher will help keep residents informed and “democracy alive.”

Dear Editor,

I strongly urge you to re-elect Tiffanie Fisher for 2nd Ward councilperson.

Tiffanie has been labeled by her opponents as a naysayer and obstructionist. She is in fact a truthsayer. Why are they so intent on silencing Tiffanie?

Her newsletters aim to inform and engage. Dissenting opinions are invited.

If you are asking for the most important characteristics that a council person should have it would include:

– Caring about her constituents and all the people in Hoboken.

– Demonstrated intelligence and competence.

– The willingness and open mindedness to explore all sides of an issue in some depth, and then to fully share her opinions both pro and con to the people she serves which include not only her ward constituents but everyone in Hoboken.

– Then to have the courage of her convictions by standing up for what she believes is right regardless of personal consequences.

I don’t call that obstruction. I call that democracy at its best. Lack of transparency is an obstruction of democracy.

Being silent or just approving every proposal, regardless of whether it has been seriously discussed, is the real obstruction to the democratic process.

At a time when democracy is under attack in this country and the world, the last thing we need is to abandon it in Hoboken.

Help to keep yourself informed and democracy alive by re-electing Tiffanie.

Carl Kirshen
Longtime 2nd Ward resident, now 6th Ward resident

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