Hudson County View

LETTER: Nicola Maganuco is the best choice in Hoboken’s 5th Ward council race

In a letter to the editor, Hoboken resident Perry Belfiore says that Nicola Maganuco’s independence from the current administration makes him the best choice in the 5th Ward council race.

Nicola Maganuco. Facebook photo.

Dear Editor,

Those who know me have heard me speak of endorsements as acts of self-aggrandizement, still true, but times have changed. Today the “end justify the means” has gained cult status in the body politic.

Now, more than ever, with tribalism growing, oversight of the executive by the legislature is of utmost importance. That is why when the ethically challenged Ravi Bhalla, fielded a slate of chosen candidates, the hairs on the back of the neck should have risen.

A brief history of Ravi Bhalla will show claims of “pay to play” abuses, an ethics charge for
voting to award a contract to a partner, misrepresentations to Corporation Counsel during a City Council directed investigation, censure by the New Jersey Supreme Court for not paying into an employees retirement account and weaponizing fears of voter fraud to maintain the self- serving status quo of election by plurality, rather than the majority rule of 50 percent plus 1 vote.

The argument “I will be my own person once elected” is disabuse by witnessing the contortions exhibited by the two council members elected with Bhalla. Emily Jabbour and Jim Doyle are sagacious and loquacious but always seem to be uncomfortable trying to defend the action of the Mayor.

Rationalization is the Mother Milk of politics where politicians compromise principles in succumbing to the intoxicating allure of power brought by being in the majority with a mayor.

I live in the 5th ward where Ravi is backing Phil Cohen. Phil is an affable fellow who was a Beth Mason stalwart but broke publicaly when Mason allied with Michael Russo. It seems odd that Ravi’s alliance with Russo hasn’t produced the same reaction but Phil is an opportunist and a genuine Ravi sycophant.

Now this is not meant to be an insult; it is a fact. Phil wrote letters defending Ravi when he tried to secure a contract as General Counsel for the Hoboken Housing Authority, endorsed Bhalla’s mayoral campaign, as a lawyer stands mute on the Supreme Court censure,
and has no problem with potential “conflicts of interest” rising from Ravi working part time as a rainmaker for a private law firm.

And Phil’s vote in the runoff referendum is dubious.

Of the two independent candidates; Nick Maganuco and Tim Crowell, I must confess I never met Tim nor has he gone out of his way to introduce himself, but I do know Nick.

I met Nick during the Runoff referendum campaign, where he served as treasurer. When Nick told me he was thinking of running, my relief at not having to put my body through the rigor of a campaign was palpable.

Nick, is a true believer in a government elected by a majority of the voters and manned the barracks during the Runoff Referendum Election. Nick actively campaigned to bring back runoffs and his support for the Runoff Election referendum should be a litmus test for who to support in November.

Nick is compassionate, energetic and his ideas to improve the Human Condition for all of
Hoboken has earned my vote.

Please join me in voting for Nick on November 5th. And to those in other Hoboken city wards, proceed with caution, a vote for a Ravi-backed candidate, is a vote for Ravi.

Thank you for your many courtesies.

I remain,

Perry Belfiore

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