Hudson County View

LETTER: Munoz is the best choice for LD-31 Assembly, Bayonne resident says

In a letter to the editor, Bayonne resident Barbara Kuzminski says that city Board of Education Trustee Christopher Munoz is the best choice for state Assembly in the 31st Legislative District. Christopher Munoz

Dear Editor,

I am not one for politics whatsoever. I think the only other person I put out there with my support was when Ray Greaves ran for Assemblyman.

However, I must say that I wholeheartedly support Chris Munoz for State Assembly. Chris is the hardest working family man that I know, and I know he is the best man for the job because of his honestly, his “no nonsense” attitude and the love he has for the people.

He will not stand by and let anyone get in the way of a child’s education. He will not let the state/government take and take from the people. He will not just allow the people to be cheated out of what is fair and honest for them. He puts us first and foremost.

He stands up against the towns who want to make those who suffered loss pay for a plaque to memorialize their loved ones instead of the fitting tribute their loved ones deserve by many who never even knew them but came to show their respect.

We both have lost someone close to us and know that no one can tell anyone how and when to grieve. Both of us are donor families who gave selflessly to give life to others, so that should show you what type of person he is.

As a public school teacher who is well respected by his students and peers alike, he know the value of education and he will do right by teachers, but mainly the students. As a family man, he shows honor and respect for his and others alike.

Chris Munoz and his team have my vote. Please look up this man and after you read who he is, I am sure you will side with me.

Barbara Kuzminski

Bayonne Resident

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